
理解能力 2024-05-13 12:59:28 124

六年级英语阅读理解1篇?1. Welcome to Bear Country! Down a sunny dirt road lives a family of bears -- Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Small Bear.欢迎来到熊王国!在熊王国的一条洒满阳光的土路上,住着幸福的熊熊一家:熊爸爸,熊妈妈和小熊。那么,六年级英语阅读理解1篇?一起来了解一下吧。




It’s a sunny day. My companions and I have promised to catch butterflies in Fushan Park. We laughed and cried on the way to the park. When we arrived at Fushan Park, we ran to the flower beds quickly. Wow! So many flowers are on the flower beds. They came out beautifully. How nice! Look! Many butterflies were crazy about the flowers. They were dancing and flying on the flowers happily.

As we enjoyed the scenery, we began to catch the butterflies. I saw a butterfly on a flower. I stretch out my hands quietly. A butterfly was in my hands. Oh! It tickled me. My companions also exuded the intermittent laughter. It seems they are happy too.

Unconscious one afternoon passed. Our faces were hanging bright smiling. That afternoon we caught butterflies, we also caught the happiness at the same time.


Mr.Lv he is a math teacher,he is about fourty years old and look very strict.In fact,he is very kind.

He always gets up very early,And he always goes to work very early,too.In class,he is very strict.If a student makes a noise,he is very angry.He always tells his student:“It’s have math class now,isn’t PE.Don’t make a noise!Ok?”

But class over,Mr.Lv is very kind and funny.He always says jokes with his students.His students always very happy.Because the joke is vey interesting.





六年级英语阅读短文 篇1


1. Hi! My name is Harry. I live with my family in this cave. I like to make new things.


2. This is Chief Grump. He is always mad about something. Tomorrow is his birthday. Maybe my present can make him happy. Wow! I have never seen anything like it!

这是Chief Grump。他经常发火。明天是他的生日。大概我的礼物会让他开心吧。哇!我从没见过像它这么棒的礼物。

3. It's time for Chief Grump's party. He gets lots of presents. A rock, some wood, a fish and a bone. Chief Grump says, "I do not want these!" He throws them down the hill.

是Chief Grump生日宴会的时间了。




Mary is from Canada. She teaches English in China now. she know a little Chinese. She isn't free from Monday to Friday. So she often goes shopping on Saturday.

Today is Saturday. Mary goes to the shop. She comes out of her car and goes into the shop. “What can I do for you?” the girl in the shop asks her in Chinese. Mary thinks she can tell the boy what she wants in Chinese. So she says in Chinese, “A quilt (被子), please.” Then the girl goes to the back of the shop. “My Chinese is not bad. The girl understands (理解) me.” She thinks.

Mary is happy. Soon (不久) the girl comes back. She shows Mary a cup.

( ) 1. What's Mary?

A. a student B. a doctor C. a teacher

( ) 2. What does Mary often do on Saturday?

A. do some washing B. go shopping C. go to school

( ) 3. How does Mary go to the shop?

A. by bus B. by train C. by car

( ) 4. What does Mary think of her Chinese?

A. very good B. very bad C. very poor

( ) 5. What does the girl think Mary need?

A. a cup B. a quilt C. books



Uncle Lee is coming to have dinner with us. Mum and I go shopping.

We don't have any meat (肉). We need to buy some. It's ten yuan a kilo before (以前). But now two kilos are sixty yuan. I say, “Mum, let's buy some fish.” Mum answers, “OK.” Fish is Uncle Lee's favorite food. We buy one kilo and a half. We also buy some vegetables and some chicken, but we don't buy any hamburgers. Uncle Lee doesn't like them at all. Mum also wants to buy me some apples. You know, I like apples very much. But we can't find any. We go home at a quarter to five in the afternoon.

( ) 1. How much is meat now?

A. Ten yuan a kilo. B. Fifteen yuan a kilo C. Thirty yuan a kilo

( ) 2. What doesn`t mum buy?

A. meat B. chicken C. hamburgers

( ) 3. Uncle Lee`s favorite food is __________.

A. fish B. chicken C. noodles

( ) 4. The writer`s (作者的) favorite fruit (水果) is __________.

A. apples B. bananas C. oranges

( ) 5. What time do they go home?

A. at 5:15 B. at 4:45 C. at 5:45



I am Wang Lin, I am twelve years old. My pen pal Tom is form the United States. He is the same age as I. He is a middle school student in Beijing. There are three people in his family. His father is a teacher, he teaches English in a high school in Beijing. His mother is an English teacher, too. But they work in different schools. Tom goes to school in his mother’s car every day. They all like Chinese food. Tom’s father likes Guangdong food, he thinks it is delicious. Tom’s mother’s favorite food is Sichuan food. But Tom doesn’t like Sichuan food, he thinks it is too hot. So they often eat out on weekends.

( ) 1. How old is Tom? _______________

A. Eleven B. Twelve C. we don’t know

( ) 2. Tom’s father is _________________

A. a teacher B. an English teacher C. teaches English

( ) 3. Maybe (可能) Tom in the same school with _________

A. his mother B. Wang Lin C. his father

( ) 4. Tom doesn’t like Sichuan food because ____________________

A. his father like it B. his mother like it C. it is too hot

( ) 5. They often eat out on weekends because ________________

A. they like Chinese food B. they like American food C. they are lazy



1. Welcome to Bear Country! Down a sunny dirt road lives a family of bears -- Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Small Bear.


2. They live in a big tree. It is a very fine house. There is a big kitchen, a sitting room and two bedrooms.


3. It is fun growing up in Bear Country. Small Bear helps Papa get honey from the old bee tree.


4. He also helps Mama bring the vegetables in from the garden.



【 #小学英语#导语】很多学生在做阅读理解题时,总是丢分,甚至丢很多分。究其原因,貌似阅读理解做不好,实质上,是读书面太窄,对汉语的意蕴把握不够。要想把阅读理解做好,必须读足够的读物。日常没有阅读,却想把阅读理解做好,那只能是痴人说梦。以下是整理的《小学六年级英语阅读理解》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


Mr. Green is an Englishman. He is a teacher. He teaches English in No.15 Middle School in Beijing. He likes teaching a lot. He goes to work by school bus every morning

There are fifty students in his class. He speaks English with them in class. He plays games with them after class. He likes them very much. And his students love him, too. They are good friends.


以上就是六年级英语阅读理解1篇的全部内容,六年级英语阅读短文 篇1 山洞里的小男孩 1. Hi! My name is Harry. I live with my family in this cave. I like to make new things. 大家好,我叫Harry。我们一家住在这个洞穴里。我喜欢发明新东西。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
