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2011高考英文阅读理解及答案?74. C【解析】细节理解题。依据第三则广告中的This position is equally suitable for a school leaver,a school leaver可转换为题干中recent school graduates。75. C 【解析】 细节理解题。Palmlace Limited定位于第四则广告。那么,2011高考英文阅读理解及答案?一起来了解一下吧。


As a human being you may have the choice of three basic attitudes towards life. You may treat life with the philosophy (哲学) of the vegetable, in which case your life will include being born, eating, drinking, sleeping, marrying, growing old and dying.

The second basic attitude is to look at life as if it were a business. A great many so-called successful men and women believe that life is a business. If you believe so, your first question of life, naturally, is " What do I get out of it? " " How much is this worth to me?" In a word, based on this attitude, happiness becomes a matter of successful competition. The great majority of human beings today look at life as if it were a busi??ness.

The third attitude toward life is the way of the artist. Here the basic philosophy is "What can I put into it?". They value cooperation and contribution. This point of view has been proved by history; for history remembers best those who have contributed most richly to the interests of their fellow-men. The more we investigate(调查),the more we become certain that the artistic attitude is the only one which goes with human happiness.

33. From the passage we know people who take the second life attitude ________.

A. are mostly businessmen

B. think of getting the interests (利益) first

C. find their happiness from hard work

D. take competition as their whole life

34. People who are best remembered by history are probably

A. those living on vegetables B. successful men

C. artists D. businessmen

35. We may infer from this passage that ________.

A. some people are living only on vegetables

B. the artistic attitude is accepted by most people

C. the writer prefers the third life attitude

D. artists do most for the society in order to be remembered longer than others


33. B 推断题。

理解 英文

The way we do things round here


Some years ago, I was hired by an American bank. I received a letter from the head of the Personnel Department that started, "Dear John, I am quite pleased that you have decided to join us. " That "quite" saddened me.I thought he was saying "we're kind of pleased you decided to join us although I wish we had hired someone else. " Then I discovered that in American English "quite" sometimes means "very", while in British English it means "fairly".



64. The underlined word “engage” in Para.4 probably means ______.

答案A. explore探讨

The real reason why I ask students to leave technology at the door is that I think there are very few places in which we can have deep conversions and truly engage complex ideas.

66. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author ______.

答案是D. values technology-free dialogues in his class

I’m not saying that I won’t ever change my mind about technology use in my history class, but until I hear a really good reason for the change ,I’m sticking to my plan. A few hours of technology-free dialogue is just too sweet to give up.

本文 谈的是 不用 电脑等设备 所以是作者 把 在课堂上 不用电脑等设备 的会话讨论 看的很重要 too sweet to give up.太好了以至于 不能放弃


I take the firm position that parents do not owe their children a college education. If they can afford it, they can certainly send them to the best universities. But they must not feel guilty if they can't. If the children really want to go, they'll find a way. There are plenty of loans (货款)and scholarships for the bright and eager ones who can't afford to pay.

When children grow up and want to get married, their parents do not owe them a down payment on a house. They do not have the duty to baby-sit their grandchildren. If they want to do it, it must be considered a favor not an obligation.

Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.

One of their obligations is to give their children a personal worth. A child who is constantly made to feel stupid and unworthy, constantly compared with brighter brothers, sisters, or cousins will become so unsure, so afraid of failing that he (or she) won't try at all. Of course they should be properly corrected when they do wrong, but it's often better to let children learn their mistake by themselves in time. All our parents should do is to trust them, respect them, tolerate(宽容) them and give them chances to try and fail. They must learn to stand failure. When criticisms(批评) are really needed, they should be balanced with a smile and a kiss. That is the way children learn.

Parents owe their children a set of solid values around which to build their lives. This means teaching them to respect the rights and opinions of others; it means being respectful to elders, to teachers, and to the law. The best way to teach such values is by deed. A child who is lied to will lie. A child who sees no laughter and no love in the home will have difficulty laughing and loving.

No child asks to be born, If you bring a life into the world, you owe the child something.

9. According to the author, ________.

A. parents must support their children even after they married as a duty.

B. if they don't afford, parents should take loans to send their children to go to college.

C. parents needn't feel guilty if they are unable to send them to university.

D. parents should give their children a down payment on a house.

10. The author mainly talks about in this massage________.

A. the duties of the parents

B. the best way to teach their children.

C. the reason why children feel stupid and unworthy.

D. why parents owe their children something.

11. What does the underlined word “obligation” mean in the second paragraph?

A. duty B. debt C. right D. blame

12. According to the author what should parents do when children make mistakes?

A. criticize and correct them immediately.

B. let children learn their mistake by themselves in time.

C. tolerate them and tell them not to do that again.

D. compare them with brighter brothers, sisters.


9. C 推理判断题。



1-5 CABBA 6-10 CBACB 11-15 CAABC

16-20 CABAC 21-25 ADCAC 26-30 BBDAB

31-35 CDACD 36-40 CDBDC 41-45 ABDCA

46-50 BDABA 51-55 DCBCA 56-60 CDBAB

61-65 ADACB 66-70 ABABD 71-75 BADCC

76. memory → memories

77. that → those

78. hold → held

79. Since → After

80. √

81. 去掉was

82. specially→special

83. them→it

84. or→and

85. over→of

One possible version:

Dear Sir / Madam,

I’m Li Hua, a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university. I’m writing to ask for help. I came here last month and found my courses interesting. But I have some difficulties with note-taking and I have no idea of how to use the library. I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and I’m anxious to get help from you. I have no class on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons. Please let me know which day is OK with you. You may email or phone me. Here are my email address and phone number: lihua@1236.com; 12345678.

Look forward to your reply.


Li Hua



以上就是2011高考英文阅读理解及答案的全部内容,wrong, but it's often better to let children learn their mistake by themselves in time 可知答案为 B。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
