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新概念英语第一册第109-110课A good idea好主意


Lesson 109 A good idea好主意

Listen to the tape then answer this question.What does Jane have with her coffee?


Charlotte: Shall I make some coffee, Jane?


Jane: That’s a good idea, Charlotte.


Charlotte: It’s ready. Do you want any milk?


Jane: Just a little please.


Charlotte: What about some sugar? Two teaspoonfuls?


Jane: No, less than that. One and a half teaspoonfuls please. That’s enough for me.



Unit 9 Lesson 1 Active Learning 教案



语篇类型 ——说明文







Activate and share

Ask Ss which is active learning and which is passive.

A. “I came to school. I read the text. I did as I was told. I wrote some notes. I reviewed my notes.”

B.“I came to school. I analyzed the text. I made decisions by myself. I wrote notes & answered questions. I reflected on(反思) what I’d learned.”

· Active learning (主动学习; 积极学习): i.e. a method of learning in which students are actively involved in (积极参与) the learning process.”

Ask :“Are you an active learner? Think about who may be an active learner in your class. ”

Use the phrases below to help describe an active learner.

to take notes /to focus on.../to ask questions/to reflect on... /

to pay attention to... /to be curious about .../to be open-minded /

to listen to a different point of view



Unit 1 Meet the family

课题:Meet the family


1. 学会简单的打招呼和自我介绍。能运用所学句型进行扩展性的情景会话。

2. 能将自己的朋友相互介绍以及将朋友介绍给老师、爸爸妈妈。

3. 培养孩子讲礼貌的好习惯。

教具准备:教师准备DVD 光盘、课件。

教学手段:运用电视机、DVD 放映机及白板辅助教学。


1 Hello!My name is ...

2 This is „

3 Is this your/my pen?

Yes,it is./No,It isn"t.

4 Whose is this pen?

It is/It"s my/your pen.


1.Greeting 打招呼导入新课。


播放光盘,让学生视听对话并试回答:What"s the name of William" s daughter?学生回答正确的话给予鼓励,回答错误的话再次播放对话内容,让学生回答。


3. 布置作业。

教学反思 :

1 课前应做好准备工作,不然上课途中少了教具总是要出教室去拿,比较耽误时间和进度。


Unit 9 Learning

Lesson 3 The Secrets Of Your Memory教案

After studying the text, students can:

1. Read and understand a text about memory.

2. Read and understand detailed Information and correct false statements.

3. Read and understand the main theme of each paragraph .

4.Read and find thesuitable statements and put them back into the corresponding paragraphs.

5. Based on the reading test discuss tips on memory improvement.

6. Get to know the writing skills to make thestatements to each question more convincing.

T says : As a student, we all need a super-good memory. As teenagers, we are told our memory may be in its best time of the whole life. However, nearly everyone has the problem of memory. What should we do to get an amazing memory? View the video and know the opinions of an expert. You may find a solution. ( Watch a video 《你的记忆并不差》 )

Play a memory game.

T asks:Which of the following things do you find easy to remember? Can you explain why?


Unit 9 Learning

Topic Talk教案设计

After learning topic talk students can

1.Understand to dialogue about school subjects and learning

2.Talk about school subjects and ways of learning

3.Use phrases about education and learning

4. Discus famous quotes about learning

Learning approachis the way the school subject is taught, or the means /method somebody uses to learn about a school subjects, for example, note-taking, looking up information, doing projects.

Guide the students to interpret the diagram and discuss the three questions. Teacher demonstrates the task by answering the questions himself:

Example 1 My favorite subject was geography. We used to learn a lot about various countries, and what geographical features地理特征 they have. The learning approach I used was visual aids. For example, I used a world atlas世界地图集 to find each country.

Example 2 My favorite school subject is English. We used to learn a lot about English culture, English movies and English music. We also went to many British countries to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The learning methods I use are varied. For example, I learn English by reading, writing, speaking and listening. What's more, in order to learn English better, I went abroad for further study and got a deeper understanding of the British people and the English language.

[ 设计目的 :围绕主题创设情境铺垫语言在语境中激活与学习方法和学习目标的相关词汇]

以上就是新概念入门级a详细教案unit9的全部内容,展示画有帽子、雨伞、钥匙的卡片,请学生说出它们的颜色及中文名称,然后学习新单词,此节课需要学生能指着物品说出It"s a green hat/a red umpella/a silver key.等。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
