
理解能力 2024-08-19 18:43:09 311






Respect member friend:

You are good!

Welcome you to join the member who ***** and becomes this club.This club in order to build harmoniously, the friendly harmonious fitness atmosphere, maintains member's benefit, stipulated according to the common courtesy and the correlation club management convention, asks respectfully you to observe this club member related rules strictly.

1st, invites you when opens the card, to onstage photography picture; The membership card will be you certificate of in the this club next status recognition, for guaranteed your legitimate rights and interests, will invite you in the onstage initiative show membership card.

2nd, the membership card is the special card special-purpose system, this card please do not want the subtenancy other people use, if has losing, asks you fitness consultant in 48 hours with you to relate reports a loss and makes up manages, because if promptly has not reported a loss, but produces the loss, undertakes by member.

3rd, the membership card is the IC smart card, asks you to prohibit the fold, the attrition and arbitrarily read-write, if must make up manages, please fitness with you consultant to relate or to hold your contract to handle directly with 50 Yuan handling charges in the water.

4th, this club is equipped with the strict entrance guard system, please do not have to lead the outsider (your family member or friend), please do not have to bring your pet, please do not have to carry the dangerous material to enter this club.

5th, if you want to lead the outsider (your family member or friend) experience, invites your ahead of time for 3 hours fitness with you consultant to make an appointment effectively.

6th, for yours safety, invites you when various regions fitness, pays attention in the shop various regions “the matters needing attention”.

7th, this club is the public place, asks you in crowd many region attentions and so on the rest area, changing room to take care of your belongings.If your goods lose this club not to undertake the compensation responsibility, may provide the help for yours search.

8th, your membership card term of validity expired may the free choice whether continues unfolds the member to serve the function.After the membership card expired has not continued unfolds the member to serve the function, the onstage can refuse you to enter the shop.

9th, you enjoy in the membership card in the term of validity the complete project, you are authorized to this club service quality to carry on the surveillance and the appeal.

10th, this club in adopts many kinds of ways to accept the member opinion with to see Italy earnestly, from receives date of the member suit the basis situation - in 7 days to answer in 3 days.

11th, the establishment and the member communication channel, and carry on the member satisfaction evaluation, listens to the member suggestions and the suggestion improvement service work.

12th, the member like address, the telephone change please namely do inform you fitness consultant or the guest take department.

Let us supervise mutually carries out the correlation rules, creates the good fitness environment together, because if the individual member evil intention violates creates affects not good, the club for safeguards the majority member rights and interests to be authorized to cancel this kind of member's member right, asks respectfully the excuse me!

If you if has the good opinion and sees Italy please in the onstage Taiwan place filling in member opinion table.








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以上就是会员分析英文的全部内容,一、会员英语:member 二、例句:to be that of growling, ill-tempered lawyer Ling Woo, which Liu filled with such aplomb that she was signed on as a regular cast member.部分原来是到着,坐立不安暴躁律师灵胡刘其中充满挥洒自如,她签订了正规投下会员。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
