
理解能力 2024-07-25 07:37:24 447

四六级阅读理解原文? 那么,四六级阅读理解原文?一起来了解一下吧。











Passage One
Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
Throughout this long, tense election(背景,美国大选), everyone has focused on (大众关注点:谁当选总统带领大伙儿走致富路)the presidential candidates and how they’ll change America. Rightly so, but selfishly(but关键词,一般第二句出现转折词说明真正的主题句在第二句。开始作者关注点), I’m more fascinated by Michelle Obama (关注奥巴马夫人)and what she might be able to do, not just for this country(和总统区别,不是为国家做什么), but(再一次but,强烈引起读者注意) for me as an African-American woman.(前一个as,后一个as。这里极其重要。前as是作为非洲裔美国女人,后as作为未来可能的第一夫人) As the potential First Lady, she would have the world’s attention. (第一夫人是因,吸引全球关注是果。作者为什么希望或者说感到兴奋——奥巴马夫人作为非洲裔美国女人将吸引全球关注?)And that means (“这就意味着……”,立即解释刚才的问题)that for the first time (第一次!)people will have a chance to get up close and personal with the type of African-American woman (人们由于会关注美国,关注美国第一夫人,也就有机会关注并了解到米切尔这种类型的非洲裔美国女人)they so rarely see(罕见!为什么米切尔就如此罕见的类型?难道其他非洲裔美国女人完全不同类型?).
Usually(bingo!立即就是“通常(类型)”), the lives of black women go largely unexamined.(黑人妇女的生活go largely unexamined,隐含着她们对待生活不主动,得过且过,而且是largely) The prevailing theory (看看最普通的观点)seems to be that we’re all hot-tempered single mothers who can’t keep a man.(脾气火爆,无法吸引留住男人。的确,这种类型与米切尔——未来的第一夫人完全不同) Even (加强)in the world of make-believe, black women still can’t escape the stereotype of being eye-rolling(受人歧视), oversexed(滥交) females raised by our never-married(未婚), alcoholic (酗酒的) mothers.
These images have helped define the way all women are viewed, including Michelle Obama. Before she ever gets the chance to commit to a cause, charity or foundation as First Lady, her most urgent and perhaps most complicated duty may be simple to be herself.
It won’t be easy. Because few mainstream publications have done in-depth features on regular African-American women, little is known about who we are, what we think and what we face on a regular basis. For better or worse, Michelle will represent us all.
Just as she will have her critics, she will also have millions of fans who usually have little interest in the First Lady. Many African-American blogs have written about what they’d like to see Michelle bring to the White House—mainly showing the world that a black woman can support her man and raise a strong black family. Michelle will have to work to please everyone—an impossible task. But for many African-American women like me, just a little of her poise (沉着), confidence and intelligence will go a long way in changing an image that’s been around for far too long.
57. Why does Michelle Obama hold a strong fascination for the author?(刚才阅读,知道作者是因为米切尔“不同于平常眼光的一类型非洲裔美国女人”)
A) She serves as a role model for African women.错,因为“作好榜样”的结果是非洲妇女像她学习。原意期望的结果是 大众对非洲裔美国女人的印象发生变化
B) She possesses many admirable qualities becoming a First Lady.错,因为“拥有好品质”的结果不能直接说明“大众对非洲裔美国女人的印象发生变化”
C) She will present to the world a new image of African-American women. YES 新的印象,就是原意
D) She will pay closer attention to the interests of African-American women. 错,米切尔会不会更关注非洲裔美国女人、为她们带来更好的生活,作者并没有提及。她希望大家能改变偏见。要的不是施舍,而是尊重。
58. What is the common stereotype of African-American women according to the author?
A) They are victims of violence. B) They are of an inferior violence.
C) They use quite a lot of body language. (身体语言,风马牛不相及)D) They live on charity and social welfare.(她们靠……生活,文中未提及)
59. What do many African-Americans write about in their blogs?
A) Whether Michelle can live up to the high expectations of her fans.
B) How Michelle should behave as a public figure.
C) How proud they are to have a black woman in the White House.
D) What Michelle should do as wife and mother in the White House.
60. What does the author say about Michelle Obama as a First Lady?
A) However many fans she has, she should remain modest,
B) She shouldn’t disappoint the African-American community.
C) However hard she tries, she can’t expect to please everybody.
D) She will give priority to African-American women’s concerns.
原文“Michelle will have to work to please everyone—an impossible task.”
61. What do many African-American women hope Michelle Obama will do?
A) Help change the prevailing view about black women.
B) Help her husband in the task of changing America.
C) Outshine previous First Lady.
D) Fully display her fine qualities.
Section B 阅读理解
57. C
58. B
59. D
60. C
61. A
可见,要做好迷惑性强的题目,首先要把自己放到作者的位置和角度上,认真体会作者的遣词造句,尤其是加强语气如but even等。

