
阅读能力 2024-05-22 16:37:48 67

成功人士英语阅读?person in the TV or Newspaper doesn't have all the conditions. 用英语描述一个成功人士的故事! 亚伯拉罕·林肯 ( Abraham Lincoln ) (1809-1865) 亚伯拉罕·林肯是美国第 16 任总统,领导了拯救联邦和结束奴隶制度的伟大斗争。那么,成功人士英语阅读?一起来了解一下吧。


如何成为一个成功的人这是很多人的疑问?你对“如何成为一个成功的人”这个问题有什么看法呢?以下是我为大家带来的关于如何成为一个成功的人英语 作文 ,给大家作为参考,欢迎阅读!


There was a Harvard University professor who pointed out that conditions for success: learning, leadership, teamwork, and creativity. Learning means you have to keep learning, charge; leadership does not mean you have to do what kind of administrator, but you are in the environment you have to have a component, in your opinion, have the support of many people; teamwork is needed you have team spirit, establishing its own network; creativity you need your constant innovation. As long as this had several success is not far away from you.




What kind of person can be described as successful in your eyes ?

Different people have different ideas .Some people may say the one who have

succeed should have a good job , face a warm family, or have a comfortable


For my part,I remember when I was a child ,my dream is having my own

house in which lives my family, and buying a car which could take my family

to catch a chill.At that time ,I think if I could realize it ,I will be


But through the life experiences ,I learn a lot from the book and the part-time

job .

In my opinion at the moment ,I think a successful person should satisfy the

conditions listed as the following: Firstly, he should contribute himself to

the society ,everytime when the society needs him.Secondly,he must be a person

who insists on his principle of being an upright people all the time .Finally,

If he could creat a good thing which could bring the happiness to the people ,

he will be succeed.

The above mention is just my opinions now, but I clearly know that the successful

person in the TV or Newspaper doesn't have all the conditions.


Most of us feel envious of famous and successful people in the world. We do not understand why they are so popular and honored while we are mere simple common folks. We all have a misconception that these people are prosperous just because they are especially gifted or because they are just "lucky".

But the fact is that most great persons have minds which are the same as, or perhaps even simpler and duller than that of ours. Yet, we refuse to believe so because our misconceptions have taken root in our stubborn minds.

Why, then, are their triumphs so great? It is because they are apt to fighting with difficulties with perseverance, without fatigue and undergo sufferings without minding the wounds. They are aware that the road to their destination will be filled with hardships. Their endurance is more powerful than that of ours for the simple reason that they submit without complaint to each storm in life. To illustrate this, let us take Columbus as an example. What difficulties and courage he had had before he discovered the New World.Had he fallen into despair, America might not have been discovered so early.

All of us wish to have a bright future. Those who remain in idleness and think that great people are different from us will never fulfill our ambitions. Those who think we are the same as great people, and believe in hard work will make our dreams come true.


每个人心目中都有一个成功人士,你心目中的成功人士是谁呢?以下是我为大家整理的关于我心目中的成功人士英语 作文 ,给大家作为参考,欢迎阅读!


Li ka-shing, han ethnic group, the current Yangtze river industrial group Co., LTD board chairman and general manager. Chaozhou, guangdong province, in 1928 was born in 1940, to escape the Japanese invaders, the family of the oppression of the refugees to Hong Kong. In 1958, li ka-shing to start investing in real estate market. In 1979, "the Yangtze river" YingZi firm bought old-" hutchison whampoa ", li ka-shing and became the first Chinese firm to buy YingZi. From him, I learn persistent spirit, gave me a lot of enlightenment!


The rainbow, process and thunder and lightning just appear after arousing war, at successfully and behind, everybody paid effort and sweat.Is similar to others, father once also had the super - dream like this:In a dream he is a successful man in the applause that wrappings in the fresh flowers, though he once was a repeatedly fought and lost strong.But father tells me, he hour Hou, grandpa's home is poor, go to school of all of school fees depend buy duck of money to maintain.The time in spring, the grandpa goes to expo and buys a few ducks.Every morning and evening father will feed on for duckling on time.Looking at lovely duckling to with each passing day grow up, father fulls to loathe to give up earth trade away duck and changes precious school fees.Until at the age of 16, 7 , father,such as dream world, generally ended childhood and started making a living to make carpenter.34 points bell every morning, father took to prepare last night up grandmother of a few boxings


I know the teachers, some very strict, and some very mild, and some very "childish", and some very close, and some very funny. However, they compared the teachers I had in mind could be far worse. Because, in my mind with the teachers of the teachers I know them all the advantages, is a perfect person.

I have in mind the teacher, is a country with long hair a natural black female teachers, walking, long hair flowing, gives a natural, delicate and pretty, simple feeling. At the same time, she also has a pair of big, bright eyes, the 65 one-meter tall, is not a light not heavy build, with a walk in the campus, others will say: "See, that is xx class teachers, really beautiful."

I have in mind the teacher is a fluent, standard Mandarin, but she do not speak dialect, nor talk about bad language, so that students would not say those words .

I have in mind is a gentle teacher, she never denounced the brutal we also will not use any way to punish us that she would use a moderate tone and speak to us so that we do not have pressure.

That is why I am the eyes of teachers, a beautiful, good tone, gentle also severe mistakes that changed, knowledgeable, funny, kind-hearted enthusiasm, teachers closer to students.




One of the secrets of successful people ia that they have good habits.The good habits help them to be successful .

How can you developgood habits?Here aresome ideas for you.

First,everyone has own merits.you should always look for the good in people and learn from them





以上就是成功人士英语阅读的全部内容,serf-confidence is the first step on the road to success. And hard work is the key element of success.翻译:每个人都渴望成为他生命中的一个成功的人。但并不是所有的人都能成功。人是懒惰的,想成功只有白日梦很难成功。一个成功的人必须具备一些出色的品质,如勤奋,坚强的意志,毅力,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
