
阅读能力 2024-08-18 08:26:09 273

高一英语阅读及答案十篇?1、“谁”给Mary举办生日晚会,当然是Mary的母亲Mrs Green,答案为B。 2、Mary马上满13岁了,答案为C。 3、因为来的朋友全都是女孩,而且句中有a lot of,故答案为C。 4、生日晚会是三点半开始,答案为D。 分析:此题考查学生的阅读能力。解题的关键要读懂全文。易错的第3题,误选B答案(认为来的都是女孩)。那么,高一英语阅读及答案十篇?一起来了解一下吧。




睡眠的重要性 The Importance of Enough Sleep

Enough sleep is very important. It affects we are happy or not. We can easily find if we sleep enough in the night, we usually have a good mood next day. But, if we do not have enough sleep, sometimes we will feel depressed without a reason. What’s more, sleep also affects our study or work. Try to imagine that a sleepy person how can he listen to the teacher in class or work in their position. It must be a hard job or in low efficiency. Thus, if a person sleep enough, he can do better in their life. In addition, do you find that a person with good sleep usual do not have acne, because enough sleep balance their internal secretion and detox. Knowing the importance of enough sleep, do you still stingy about sleep? Do you still dare to sleep late?


高考前如何调节心情? How to Adjust the Mood Before College Entrance Examination?

Every Chinese knows the importance of the college entrance examination, so the high school students always can feel the stress from that exam, especially when that day is nearby. Some students will not do as well as usual because of heavy stress. It is necessary to adjust their mood well before the exam. They should not give too much pressure to themselves, instead of having usual heart. Then they can do in working order. To reach this goal, they can spare time to do some sports or just go running and keep telling themselves that the exam can’t decide their future, so they try their best would be OK and no one will blame them. The purpose is make them feel relax, as the status of relax is the best state for achieving good marks in the exam. It is helpful.


手机控制了生活 Smart Phone Controls Life

Recently, it has been reported that a girl got her feet stuck in the sewer, because she kept her attention on the smart phone. When she realized her feet were stuck, she tried hard to get rid of it, but she failed. With the help of policeman, she was set free. It sounds a little ridiculous, but when we look at the people around, we can find that the new technology distracts their attention from face to face communication. People like to talk on the Internet, then they ignore the things in reality life. No matter what they are doing, waiting for the bus or sitting at the table with their friends, smart phones are always at their hands. It seems that smart phone has controlled their lives. Life is beautiful if we can see it, or we will miss the amazing moment. Don’t let the technology controls your life.


小女孩成长记 The Girl’s Grown Up

The movie Harry Portter is favored by the people all around the world and the novels are read by fans. Though the movie has ended, the three main protagonists are remembered all the time. Emma Watson is one of the main protagonists. She plays the role very well and she never gives up her study, which sets the great example to the young people. After the end of the movie, Emma goes to the top university, though she continues her acting career, she still focuses on her study. When she graduates, she works on promoting the equality between men and women. She becomes the spokesman of feminism and she gives the inspiring speech He For Her. Everybody gives high praise to this girl. She’s grown up and becomes a strong woman. Her speech is supported by the public.


里约奥运会的主题 The Theme of Rio Olympic Games

Under the world’s watching, Rio Olympic Games finally came to its opening ceremony. Before, a lot of problems had been exposed and many people wondered if Rio could finish the task and present the world a wonderful opening ceremony. The answer was definitely positive. Though the budget was very limited, the government showed the world a green Olympic Games. It is the trees that make our home safe and healthy, while today a lot of people have forgot it and they pollute and destroy the environment. How can we survive in the future. The opening ceremony gave the answer that was to plant trees and protect our environment. Rio Olympic Games showed a great theme and it is creative. The government do not let people down, instead they surprise the world and remind people of the importance of green.


未终结的故事 The Unfinished Story

Many years ago, the movie The Pirates of the Caribbean was very popular around the world. Many kids were so crazy about the captain Jack, who was sly but reliable. When the third episode came out, it seemed that the story had came to its end, because the ending was perfect though a little sad for the two main charaters. What’s more, captain Jack had got what he wanted. If the movie continued, it may probably sucked. But the producers had proved that the story was unfinished, and captain Jack kept his adventure in the fourth episode. It still caught people’s attention and won many praise. Recently, the preview of the fifth episode came out, the fans could find many attractive riddles. We still believe that the story has its charm and can attract people to buy tickets.


如何使用手机 How to Use Cellphone

Many years ago, cellphone was not allowed to used for high school students. Teachers would take away students’ cellphone once they saw it. But now the phone has been part of people’s life and almost every student uses it. It is just the popular communication tool. For many high school students, they are easy to be addicted to keeping chatting with their friends and not pay attention to the class. For me, I have controlled myself not to play it in the class, so I will turn off the phone and not to think about it. Some parents believe that using cellphone is not good for students, the fact is that students can learn a lot from the cellphone, they can search the Internet for more information, so as to get better solutions.


参加课外活动 Join the Activity

High school is the very important stage for students, even the turning point of their lives. Once they learn well, they can enter the ideal university and fulfill their dreams. So a lot of students pay all their attention to the study and ignore joining the after-class activity. They think it is a waste of time to do it, instead they’d rather put more time to make up their lessons. It is the common misunderstanding of after-class activity. On the one hand, taking the activity can help students reduce their pressure. When students face the lessons all the time, they are nervous and easy to stuck in the difficulty. The activity brings students the happy hour and forget their worries. On the other hand, the activity can broaden students’ vision and enrich their knowledge, which are useful in their lessons. So after-class life is also the part of students’ lives, don’t refuse it.


美妙的夏天 The Amazing Summer

Last summer, my friend asked me to go to his hometown to spend the summer vacation. I asked my parents for permission and they said yes. When I got to his place, I was so surprised because there was a beach near his house. It was so beautiful, many kids played there. The water was so blue under the sunshine. It was so fun to swim in the water. In the morning, I woke up early and took a walk along the beach, and I could hear the sea water’s coming voice. I saw a lot of people traveled here and took pictures. In the evening, when the sun was down, we played the games and sometimes we swam. It was such a good memory for me. I liked the leisure lifestyle. When summer comes, I will always think of the happy days in the beach.


最好的学习方法 The Best Way to Learn Knowledge

Since I go to high school, I make plans for myself. To enter a better university, I must study hard. I know my advantages and weakness. I am good at Chinese and English while I am weak in math and geograph. So I pay special attention to improve the subjects that I am weak in. Even though I have tried hard to listen to my teacher and practise so hard, my math is still so weak. So I decide to ask my classmate who is good at math, and she is very excited to teach me. During our communication, I find her mind is very active and she has a special way to solve the questions. I realize that the best way to learn konwledge is to share opinions with others, so that we can broaden our mind and find more ways to solve the problem.





11-15 CBACA 16-20BCBCA21-25 BACCB26-30 DCADC

31-35 CBBCD 36-40AFBEG

41-45 CCABC46-50BDBBA51-55 DDCCC 56-60 BBACD

61. thoughts 62.are

63. what64. be replaced

65. Interesting 66.of

67. The 68. completely

69. disappear70.working


71. ... what would you ... what → who

72. ... we don't see her ... we → I

73. ... always here ...here → there

74. ... so we can't. so → but

75. ... a newly life. newly → new

76. Lucky, it's very cheap ...

Lucky → Luckily

77. ... each other on phone ...


78. ... come and stayed ... stayed → stay

79. ... take her for holiday.for → on

80. ... suggest to going ... 去掉to

One possible version:

From the picture we can see that a man iswashing his mother's feet, and his son is watching nearby. As we know, parentsare the first teachers of their children, so they have a great influence onthem.

However, nowadays many people don't takegood care of their elderly parents. They don't visit them regularly and showlittle concern about them. It is clear that they don't set a good example fortheir children.

It is the Chinese tradition to respect andtake care of the old. In my opinion, everyone has a responsibility to keep thattradition alive. So parents should pay attention to their own behavior becausethey are role models for their children.



A 篇 (家庭)



Mr.Johnson’s car had finished up in a ditch(沟渠) at Romney Marsin, Kent after skidding on ice and hitting a bank


I couldn’t force the doors because they were jammed against the walls of the ditch and dared not open the windows because I knew water would come flooding in.我不能强行打开车门,因为他们被沟渠的墙


Mr.Johnson, a sweet salesman of Sitting Home, Kent, first tried to attract the attention of other motorists by sounding the horn and hammering on the roof and boot.约翰逊先生,他是一个经常在家的宅男商人,肯特,开始营救自己,哦,他吹着号角用锤子在车顶和行李箱上敲打试着吸引其他司机的注意,这就是他,当你遇到危险的时候你也会这么做的。




你是那个版本的 每个版本的难道不一样的

我挑了几篇难度合适初一的 内容也许不大但我看阅读多做都是有效果的

When people meet each other for the first time in Britain, they say

“How do you do?” and shake hands(握手). Usually they do not shake hands when they just meet or say goodbye. But they shake hands after they haven’t met for a long time or when they will be away from each other for a long time.

Last year a group of German students went to England for a holiday. Their teacher told them that the English people hardly shake hands. So when they met their English friends at the station, they kept their hands behind their backs. The English students had learned that the Germans shake hands as often as possible, so they put their hands in front and got ready to shake hands with them. It made both of them laugh.





The Spring Festival comes after New Year's Day.It's usually in January or February.It's the Chinese New Year's Day.The Spring Festival is the biggest festival in China.All of the Chinese like this festival.When it comes,people are busy.They usually do some cleaning,go to the stores to buy some new clothes and a lot of meat,vegetables and fruit.On the eve of the festival,everyone in the family comes back home from other places.They get together and have a big supper .They eat dumplings,New Year's cake and some other delicious food in their houses.Some people like New Year's cake,but more people think dumplings are the most delicious food of all.Some families have a party.They sing,dance and have a good time.I like this festival very much because I can play with my friends and I can get "red envelopes".




This morning,I got up at six o'clock.Then I brushed my teeth and washed my face.After that,I had breakfast with my parents.At noon,I went to my grandparents' house and visited my aunts,uncles and cousins.In the afternoon,we made dumplings together.In the evening,we had dumplings,sweet and sour pork,and lots of nice dishes for dinner.After dinner,my parents and I went home.We set off fireworks and went to bed then.

We were all very happy.That was a nice Spring Festival.


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .

1.春节是中国最最重要的节日.2.春节前一天的晚上,一家人都聚在一起吃晚饭.3.许多人都喜欢(在这时候)放炮竹.4.饺子是传统的食物. 5.小孩子非常喜欢这个节日,因为他们能吃到很多美味的食物,穿漂亮的衣服.6.他们还能收到父母给的压岁钱.7这些钱能给孩子带来好运.8人民也会把新年的画挂在墙上,为了来年的好运.


The lunar calendar new year origin, has the basis, also is rich and picks the varied fable to be possible to trace to several millenniums before; Most is famous is "the year beast" fable.

"The year beast" is a cruel terrible wild animal, ancient times the person believed "year beast" when lunar New Year's Eve night can come out eats the person.

The fable "the year beast" extremely fears red, the flame and quarrels the mixed sound, the people on paste the red paper in the gate, and selects the torch all night, is setting off the artillery candle, avoids "the year beast".

To second day early morning, "has congratulated" the sound to the ear, in the air does not fill the air is defeating "the year beast" the victory and the rebirth joy.


以上就是高一英语阅读及答案十篇的全部内容,2。“I couldn’t force the doors because they were jammed against the walls of the ditch and dared not open the windows because I knew water would come flooding in.”我无法推开车门,因为它们被卡在了沟渠的四壁上。我也不敢开车窗,因为我知道一开窗,水就会涌进车里。3。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
