
阅读能力 2024-08-16 14:04:15 16

剑7test1阅读原文?原文:Similarly, although at least some cetaceans have taste buds, the nerves serving these have degenerated or are rudimentary.解析:原文的意思是尽管有些鲸鱼有味蕾,但与之服务的神经已经退化了。在这个句子中these指代前面的taste buds,那么,剑7test1阅读原文?一起来了解一下吧。



考试日期:202332Reading Passage 1Title:New Energy in USAQuestion types:True/False/Not Given; Flow Chart; Short Answer Questions文章内容回顾美国的一种新能源,关于从玉米中提取乙醇为燃料。20230708旧文英文原文阅读Ethanol is also calledethyl alcohol or grain alcohol. It's made from a fermented mixture ofcorn, yeast, sugar, and water. The resulting alcohol is 100 to 200 proof(200 proof is pure alcohol).In addition to use in the lab, ethanol is a popular fuel alternativeand gasoline additive. Because it is flammable, ethanol can beprohibitively expensive to ship, so it may make sense to distill yourown. Anyone can have a still, but be advised you may need to get apermit in order to make ethanol.Difficulty: EasyTime Required: 3 - 10 days, sometimes longerHere's How:If you are starting with whole corn, you first need to convertthe cornstarch into sugar by 'sprouting' the corn. Place the corn in acontainer, cover it with warm water, and drape a cloth over thecontainer to prevent contamination and conserve heat. Ideally, thecontainer will have a slowly draining hole at the bottom. Add warm waterfrom time to time as the liquid level falls. Maintain the setup ~3 daysor until the corn has sprouts about 2 inches long.Allow the sprouted corn to dry. Then grind it into meal.Alternatively, start with cornmeal. Other grains can be prepared in muchthe same way (e.g. rye mash).Mash or mush is made by adding boiling water to the corn meal.The mash is kept warm to start the fermentation process. Yeast is added,if available (half pound yeast per 50 gallons of mash, for example),and sugar (variable recipe). With yeast, fermentation takes about 3days. Without yeast, fermentation could require more than 10 days. Themash is ready to 'run' once it stops bubbling. The mash has beenconverted into carbonic acid and alcohol. It is called 'wash' or 'beer'or 'sour mash'.The wash is placed into a cooker, which has a lid that is pastedshut, so that it has a seal which can be blown off should internalpressure become too great. At the top of the cooker, there is a copperpipe, or 'arm' that projects to one side and tapers down from a 4-5 inchdiameter to the same diameter as the 'worm' (1 to 1-1/4 inch). The'worm' could be made by taking a 20 ft length of copper tubing, fillingit with sand and stopping the ends, and then coiling it around a fencepost.The sand prevents the tubing from kinking while being coiled.Once the worm is formed, the sand is flushed out of the tube. The wormis placed in a barrel and sealed to the end of the arm. The barrel iskept full of cold, running water, to condense the alcohol. Water runs inthe top of the barrel and out an opening at the bottom. A fire ismaintained under the cooker to vaporize the alcohol in the wash.The ethanol vaporizes at 173°F, which is the target temperaturefor the mixture. The spirit will rise to the top of the cooker, enterthe arm, and will be cooled to the condensation point in the worm. Theresulting liquid is collected at the end of the worm, traditionally intoglass jars. This fluid will be translucent, and about the color of darkbeer.The very first liquid contains volatile oil contaminants inaddition to alcohol. After that, liquid is collected. The containers ofliquid collected from over the wash are called 'singlings'. Liquidcollected toward the end of this run is called 'low wine'. Low wine canbe collected and returned to the still to be cooked again. The initialcollections are higher proof than those collected as the distillationprogresses.The singlings tend to have impurities and requiredouble-distillation, so once the low wine has been run to the pointwhere a tablespoon or so thrown on a flame won't burn (too low proof),the heat is removed from the still and the cooker is cleaned out. Theliquid remaining in the still, the 'backings' or 'slop', can berecovered and poured over new grain (and sugar, water, and possiblymalt) in a mash barrel for future distillations. Discard mash after nomore than eight uses.The singlings are poured into the cooker and the still isreturned to operation. The initial collections can approach pure alcohol(200 proof), with the end collections, using the flash test on theflame, at about 10 proof.The desired proof depends on the application. The highest proofusually obtained from a still is 190 proof. For using alcohol as a fuelalternative, for example, addition purification with a sieve may berequired to obtain 200 proof ethanol.题型难度分析根据考试回忆本篇难度一般题型技巧分析是非无判断题是雅思阅读考试的经典题型,虽然今年的题量相对减少,但是仍是复习备考时应关注的题型。




例题:C7T1P1 Let's Go Bats

题型:information containing;summary;sentence completion




如何判断它们之间的关系?我会在雅思逻辑阅读班教授给大家。在这个问题解决之前,大家应该知道information containing(1-5题目内部为乱序);summary(6-9题目内部为顺序);sentence completion(10-13题目之间为顺序)



段落信息包含题目:information containing

2 how early mammals avoided dying out 3 why bats hunt in the dark B段出现题目为: 段落信息包含题目:information containing 1 examples of wildlife other than bats which do not rely on vision to navigate by C段出现题目为: 这个段落没有出题 D段出现题目为: 段落信息包含题目:information containing 5 early military uses of echolocation


In fact, the sensation is more similar to the way in which pain from a___6___ arm or legmight be felt. The ability actually comes from perceiving ___7___through the ears. However,even before this was understood, the principle had been applied in the design of instruments which calculated the ___8___of the seabed. This was followed by a wartime applicationin devices for finding ___9___.


段落信息包含题目:Information Containing:

4 how a particular discovery has helped our understanding of bats 完成句子题目:Sentence Completion

10 long before the invention of radar, _______ had resulted in a sophisticated radar-like system in bats 11 Radar is an inaccurate term when referring tobats because ______ are not used in their navigation system 12 Radar and sonar are based on similar _______ 13 The word‘echolocation’ was firstly used be someone working as a ___

综上, A 段中出现题目:2,3

B 段中出现题目:1

C 段中出现题目:没有题目出现

D 段中出现题目:5;6---9

E 段中出现题目:4;10---13

此外, 我们还需要注意的是:










Strictly plete the work within the allotted time








led 封装胶为什么在规定时间内做完



一般来说,在托福口语的独立任务来说,例子加细节显得很重要. 它的作用主要体现在以下三个方面:

第一, 它为前边的主题句和支援句提供了强烈的支援.

第二, 它让考生的整个答案变得更加生动有趣.ETS 的其中一个语言偏好便是,比起讲道理, 他们更愿意听故事.

第三, 因为例子加细节具有很强的伸缩性, 所以它能在时间控制上为考生提供巨大的帮助. 如果考生发现自己可能讲不满要求的时间, 那他可以在例子中加入更多细节, 以延长自己的答题时间. 如果考生发现自己可能没办法在规定时间内答完题目, 那也可以通过简化或者删去例子中的细节, 从而压缩自己的答题时间.

活动期间每日在规定时间内完成杀敌400 规定时间是什么时间啊






解得x=6 经检验:x=6是原方程的根.










题目:Nerves linked to their_______are underdeveloped.

原文:Similarly, although at least some cetaceans have taste buds, the nerves serving these have degenerated or are rudimentary.

解析:原文的意思是尽管有些鲸鱼有味蕾,但与之服务的神经已经退化了。在这个句子中these指代前面的taste buds,serving改为了linked.


题目:In the follow-up class, the teaching activities are similar to those used in conventional classes.

原文:Some hours after the two-part session, there is a follow-up class at which the students are stimulated to recall the material presented. Once again the approach is inderect. The students do not focus their attention on trying to remember the vocabulary, but focus on using the language to communicate (e.g. through games or improvised dramatizations). Such methods are not unusual in language teaching.




下面是2023年4月21日雅思阅读机经的内容,包括了这次考试涉及到的有印度乡村的交通,肌肉萎缩和英国的森林等非常流行的阅读话题。为了更好的备考雅思阅读考试,我们一起来看看这三篇雅思阅读考题的内容吧。Reading Passage 1Title:Practical Action(印度乡村的交通)Question types:YES/NO/NOT GIVENSentence completion填图题文章内容回顾这篇讲的是印度乡村的交通状况,农村地区的交通不便给当地经济带来的不利,讲到政府应该更加重视落后地区的交通问题。第一个题型判断题是根据前三段做的,中间部分介绍了一个慈善组织做的事情,后面讲了这个组织农的一个送生病者去医院的山寨救护车,还可以有家属陪同,还有cover防雨什么的,后面的填图题根据最后两段填的。

以上就是剑7test1阅读原文的全部内容,1.略读,即迅速地阅读文字,掌握文章或段落大意。 具体操作如下: 词汇层面: 在阅读文章时,碰到不认识的词不要停下来回头读好几遍句子,一往无前就好啦。 如果是一些解题关键词(观点词,情感词等),可以根据它周围的其他单词或句子猜测它的意思,有个大概理解即可。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
