
阅读能力 2024-08-15 06:03:10 101




1. 浏览:结合目录、标题、图片、文中小标题、段落首尾句了解篇章主旨

2. 推断:遇见生词、长难句,结合上下文语境和知识背景,推测判断语义

3. 寻读:按需跳读,有目的地寻找自己想要的具体信息

4. 精读:批注阅读,圈点标画,赏析语言、理解细节、内容意义、语篇结构、作者意图

5. 笔记:记录关键词句、重要信息和感悟

6. 提问:结合背景知识,提出困惑与质疑作者观点

7. 总结:语篇类型,语篇内容,语篇意义,思维与文化等。



prediction, skimming, scanning, careful reading,

retelling, summarizing, mind-mapping,

writing after reading

1. Finding the order of events (八下unit 1)

Writers describe events in a certain order, finding the order of the events will help you understand waht you are reading.

2. Understanding parts of speech (八下unit 2)

Knowing what part of speech a word is (noun, verb, preposition...) can help you understand the word's meaning.

3. Skimming(八下unit 3)

This means looking quickly through a piece of writing to find the main idea without reading every word. It is still a good idea to read the first sentence in each paragraph a little more carefully.

4. Guessing the meaning(八下unit 4)

When reading something for the first time. Do not worry about words you do not know. Use the context to help you guess the meaning.

5. Reading the title and first sentences(八下unit 5)

The title can be helpful for you to understand a text, it is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read the whole text.

6. Finding out the text type.(八下unit 6)

Before you read, decide what kind of text it is. Is it a letter, a play or a short story or something else?

7. Scanning(八下unit 7)

This means moving your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information.

8. Summarizing(八下unit 8)

While reading, make notes or underlined the main ideas in the text. After reading, write a short summary in your own words. This can help you better understand the text.

9. Making notes(八下unit 9)

After reading, write down three or more things you have learned. We always remember things better if we take time to reflect.

10. Using previous knowledge(八下unit 10)

We can often guess what the text is about by using what we already know. Answering questions before we read can also help us do this.

11. Using dictionaries(九unit 1)

This can help you find the definition that matches the context of the word in the text.

12. Inferring(九unit 2)

This means you have to "read between the lines" to get meanings that are not clearly started in the text.

13. Using suitable language(九unit 3)

In different situations, you need to choose and use suitable language based on cultural knowledge.

14. Using context(九unit 4)

Using the sentence context may help you guess and learn the meanings of new words and phrases.

15. Moving from general to specific(九unit 5)

A general introduction of the topic is usually followed by specific details and examples.

16. Mind-mapping(九unit 6)

Changing the information into a mind map may help you remember it more easily.

17. Learning actively(九unit 7)

When you learn any new language, actively use it in new sentences of your own.

18. Identifying linking language(九unit 8)

Identifying conjunctions or phrases that link ideas together will help you understand waht you read.

19. Noting supporting details(九unit 9)

Supporting details can be examples, reasons, opinions or other detailed information in each paragraph.

20. Reviewing(九unit 10)

Taking notes or summarizing the main idea can help you move language from your short-term to long-term memory.

21. Recognizing idioms and phrases(九unit 11)

Knowing the meanings of idioms and verb phrases can improve your English.

22. Using background knowledge(九unit 12)

Careful reading the first sentence in each paragraph can activate your own knowledge of the topic and help you guess what the whole text is about.

23. Understanding prefixes and suffixes(九unit 13)

Recognize how prefixes and teh suffixes may change the meanings of words how they are used.

24. Identify text type and purpose(九unit 14)

Quickly read through a test to see what kind of writing it is, who wrote it and why it was written.




















3.如果引述动词为一般过去时,间接引语中动词的时态一般推移到过去时间 4.其他变化 指示代词 时间状语 地点状语 动词 this—that today-that day here—there come--go these--those now-then

重点词组: 1. keep out不让......进入 2. out of style不时髦的;过时的 3. call sb. up打电话给...... 4. pay for付款 5. ask for要求 6. the same as与......同样的 7. in style时髦的;流行的 8. get on相处;进展 9. as much as possible尽可能多 10. all kinds of各种;许多 11. on the one hand, ......(在)一方面,...... 12. on the other hand, ......另一方面,......





授课内容:外研社初二下 Module 6 Unit 1 She said China was very excitingplace.



工作 总结 ,以年终总结、半年总结和季度总结最为常见和多用。就其内容而言,工作总结就是把一个时间段的工作进行一次全面系统的总检查、总评价、总分析、总研究,并分析成绩的不足,从而得出引以为戒的经验。总结是应用写作的一种,是对已经做过的工作进行理性的思考。下面是我给大家精心挑选的工作总结,希望能帮助到大家!



首先马英华老师这节课讲的是三年级Lesson 8 who is she ?一开始是师生问候,学生能够积极配合,直接导入teacher,,应用上以前学过的知识,这样既复习了旧知识,又培养了学生语感。热身活动中,学生能够连说带做动作,体现了对学过的知识能够熟练掌握。运用多媒体播放图片(赵本山、宋丹丹)形象直观,能激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。直接操练了he/she is… who is he/she?紧接着导入fathermotherbrothersister教师拿自己制作的单词卡片领读,反复进行了操练,利用游戏进行巩固,看出了这位老师的基本功很扎实。

以上就是八年级下英语阅读课听课记录40篇的全部内容,第一大点:教学目的。这堂课的教学目的明确,教学效果好。1.学生在课堂上用英语表达旅游景点和名胜古迹,培养了用英语思维的.能力;2.课文阅读教学目标如scanning、skimming 都能很好地完成;3激发了学生对祖国美好河山的热爱 第二大点:教学过程和方法。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
