
阅读能力 2024-08-15 21:21:20 173



【 #英语资源#导语】《丑小鸭》是由格林兄弟创作的,因为格林童话里有很多童话,《丑小鸭》是丹麦作家安徒生创作的童话,首次出版于1843年。为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


Today, I read the article "The Ugly Duckling". The ugly duckling was hatched from an extra large egg by the mother duck. It is very ugly. No one likes it and is often bullied by ducks and animals. Even his mother didn't want it and advised him to go further. The ugly duckling was discriminated against. It is very self abased. He thinks he is nothing. In desperation, he left his mother and lived alone. During this period, he suffered from violent storms, fierce tigers and hounds. But it was not afraid, and finally it flew up through its own efforts and became a white swan that everyone praised.

I want to learn its spirit of fighting for dreams. When realizing the dream, there are many difficulties. It did not give up, but overcame all the difficulties. Finally, it changed from an ugly duckling to a beautiful white swan.


The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen must have been read by everyone. It is also a fairy tale known to women and children all over the world. After reading it, people may just laugh and pass, but I understand a truth of life from it.

The Ugly Duckling mainly tells that the ugly duckling was born, because it is ugly, people and animals do not like it. In the cold winter, it suffered a lot in the forest. Later, it survived by its own efforts. Finally, it flew up and became a beautiful swan. The ugly duckling turned into a swan by its own efforts.

After reading the story of The Ugly Duckling, I understand a truth: no matter what you do, don't be afraid of being stupid, as long as you do it with your heart, you will succeed. Parents and teachers, please let go and let us learn to do everything! I believe that as long as we are like the ugly duckling, we will "fly to the blue sky" one day with our own hands.

I have many ideals. Maybe I will be a doctor and cure countless patients; Maybe I will be an inventor, inventing clothes that can clean themselves; Maybe I will be a space engineer and go to the moon to build a beautiful paradise... Whatever I do, as long as I have the spirit of an ugly duckling, I will be able to do it.


Today, I read the story "The Ugly Duckling". The story tells the story that the ugly duckling was laughed at and bullied everywhere in the farmyard, among the reeds, bushes and marshes, and finally grew a swan because of his ugliness.

But I think the ugly duckling is a kind, intelligent and strong duckling. He was discouraged because he was not laughed at. He fought tirelessly and finally flew to his beautiful future on his powerful wings, becoming a beautiful swan.

Through reading this story, I learned that I can't judge people by their appearance or laugh at others. I should also learn the spirit of perseverance and optimism.


I read the fairy tale The Ugly Duckling.

When the ugly duckling was born, many elder brothers and sisters bullied him because she was ugly and he himself was very inferiority complex. One day, he found white feathers and beautiful posture by the river. It could not believe that the swan in the beautiful water was its own reflection. This ugly duckling is so happy! From then on, he raised his head confidently. Finally, he became a white swan by his own efforts!


Today, I read "The Ugly Duckling".

The ugly duckling was born. People and animals don't like it because of Zhang Dechou. Wherever he goes, he gets cynicism. In the cold winter, it suffered a lot in the forest. In spite of this, the ugly duckling did not give up his pursuit of freedom and beauty. With his strong belief and constant efforts, the ugly duckling finally changed his destiny and became a beautiful, beautiful and pleasing white swan.

The ugly duckling became a white swan because of its great courage to withstand the pressure of survival, challenge the destiny and finally win the favor of the God of Destiny.

After reading the story "The Ugly Duckling", I understand a truth: the destiny is in your own hands, and growth will not be smooth. As long as you have strong faith, set lofty ideals, and keep working towards your goals, you will have a bright future, just like the ugly duckling becomes a white swan.


Today, I read the article "The Ugly Duckling", and I feel very much.

The ugly duckling was born, because it is ugly, people and animals do not like it. In the cold winter, it suffered a lot in the forest. Later, with its own efforts, it finally flew up and became a beautiful white swan that could fly freely in the blue sky!

The ugly duckling turned into a white swan entirely by his own efforts.

After reading the story of "The Ugly Duckling", I understand a truth: no matter what you do, don't be afraid of your own stupidity. As long as you study hard and work hard, you will succeed as long as you stick to it.

Father, mother and teacher, please let me do everything independently! I believe that I will, like the ugly duckling, rely on my own efforts, keep learning and perseverance, and one day I will fly.


Whenever I encounter difficulties, I always think of an article in Andersen's Fairy Tales - The Ugly Duckling.

An old hen hatched a group of chicks, but in this group of chicks there is a different kind of ugly duckling. The ugly duckling was often bullied and laughed at by other chickens, and went through many hardships, but finally overcame them all and became a beautiful white swan.

After reading this article, I thought to myself: Every time I meet difficulties, I will quit, and the ugly duckling will quit every time, shouldn't I feel guilty? In fact, the ugly duckling refers to Andersen. Andersen was often ridiculed when he was young, but he did not take ridicule seriously, and finally became a great writer.

The article "The Ugly Duckling" made me understand that everyone should not shrink from difficulties and should face them bravely.


I read the book "The Ugly Duckling" in the winter vacation. It said that the Ugly Duckling was born. Because it was not beautiful, its partners did not like it and did not play with her. In the cold winter, the ugly duckling suffered a lot in the forest, and finally it flew up with its own efforts and became a beautiful white swan flying freely in the sky!

After reading the story of "The Ugly Duckling", I understand a truth: no matter what you do, you are not afraid of being stupid. As long as you do it with your heart, you will succeed. I think the ugly duckling turned into a swan by his own efforts. As long as we persevere and never give up, we will become strong and brave.


Today, my mother and I read the story "The Ugly Duckling", which tells the story of an ugly duckling who finally became a beautiful white swan through difficulties and hardships.

From this story, I learned that people should not feel inferior, give up, or be discouraged. Gold always shines. Even when we were born poor, it doesn't matter. As long as we don't give up the opportunity easily, the final victory belongs to us.

Parents: By reading this story with my child, I kept telling him that everyone has a love for beauty. As long as the soul is beautiful, everything will become beautiful. In fact, the difficulties are not terrible. The terrible thing is that we gave up without trying to win. The ugly duckling became a swan. All this comes from the eternal dream in his heart. As long as everyone works hard, he can become a swan flying.


The Ugly Duckling is a well-known fairy tale written by Andersen. I read it in kindergarten. The ugly duckling was bullied, laughed at and ignored by everyone because of its ugly appearance. But she did not and began her adventure. Along the way, the ugly duckling has experienced many hardships, but it has always kept a beautiful and pure mind and finally turned into a beautiful white swan.

I remember when I was just learning the piano, ten fingers were pounding "dang, dang, dang" on the keyboard, without any melody and dull. When I heard the beautiful melody played by others, I made up my mind to study hard. Finally, I can also fluently play such famous Chinese and foreign music as Cradman's "Wedding in a Dream", "Childhood", etc. Now I am also a beautiful "white swan".

This story has taught me that as long as we persevere in pursuing good ideals and bravely overcome difficulties, we will be able to achieve success.


【 #英语资源#导语】该小说主要讲述了主人公葵花的命运,她先是和她的父亲在干校生活,父亲不幸遇难后,又被另一位主人公青铜一家领养,并和青铜一起长大,12岁那年命运又将这个女孩召回城市。青铜从此便常常望着芦荡的尽头,遥望葵花所在那座城市的方向。 该小说叙事简洁流畅,文字纯净唯美,意境高雅清远,情感真挚深沉。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


This summer vacation, I read Cao Wenxuan's Bronze sunflower. As soon as I picked up the book, I was deeply attracted by the moving story and vivid characters.

This book mainly tells the story of a city girl sunflower living with a country boy. Sunflower had no mother since childhood and had been dependent on her father. Her father drowned in an accident. Later, sunflower was adopted by the bronze family. The story begins after that

The story that happened to the bronze family moved people, but there was a little story in the book that moved me very much and was unforgettable. That's because grandma bronze was seriously ill, but she didn't have the money to treat the disease, so sunflower went to Jiangnan alone to pick apricots, and then sold the money to grandma for treatment. Think about sunflower, who is about the same age as me. She is still a weak little girl. It is really admirable to stand up without hesitation when her family is in trouble. This story makes me understand: as long as a family works together, share joys and sorrows, and bravely face the difficulties, they can overcome everything.

This also reminds me of a small thing around me. When I was in the middle class of kindergarten, my mother was ill once and couldn't eat. I was worried about my mother, so I took some change downstairs to buy my mother's favorite steamed stuffed bun. When I came back, I handed it to my mother. My mother was very surprised! With tears in my eyes, he hugged me and praised me as a filial and sensible child.

Our current material conditions are much better than those of sunflower. We can't understand the hardships of that era. On the contrary, we sometimes make trouble with our mother for a little thing. We feel ashamed to think about it. I am very grateful to sunflower. It was she who made me understand that I should care about and love my family and understand the hardships of my parents.

Students who want to make friends with bronze and sunflower, go and read the book bronze sunflower! After reading, you will like their brother and sister!


In the story, what I appreciate most is bronze. He is an extremely clever mute. He almost regards the life of sunflower as his own life. They both wanted to go to school, but the family had only money for one child to go to school. After thinking hard, he cheated and let sunflower go to school in the end; When there was a plague of locusts, regardless of his hunger, he found tender reed roots for sunflowers and caught wild ducks; He was also very filial and did not forget his parents and grandmother. He picked a whole basket of reed roots and took them home; He sold his reed shoes and endured the cold under his feet; After he made an ice necklace for the sunflower show, he didn't tell his family what he had done... Bronze silently contributed a lot behind his back and never asked for anything in return. This is bronze's love for sunflowers, full of love, endless love.

Bronze and sunflower are not brothers and sisters, better than brothers and sisters. When bronze sold reed shoes in winter, sunflower was worried that the bronze was too cold and strongly advised him not to go; She knew that bronze loved learning very much and would give up only because she had to, so she bought a pencil with the money she saved and taught bronze to write seriously; After the typhoon, bronze and his father mowed the grass and walked for a month. Sunflower dreamed of his father and brother almost every night in this month, worrying about their safety. This is sunflower's love for bronze, full of love, endless love.

At home, of course, grandma loves bronze sunflowers most. Grandma thinks of them all the time. They are too sensible. Adults frown and they will be unhappy, so grandma always puts distress and sadness in her heart and won't let them see her; In winter, grandma went to her sister's house to pick cotton and make cotton clothes for bronze sunflowers. She kept picking cotton for several days. Later, when she was tired, she still didn't forget to make cotton clothes for them. This is Grandma's love for bronze and sunflower, full of love, endless love.


When I opened the bronze sunflower, the childhood in my memory slowly emerged in front of me with the words.

Sunflower field, threshing field, thatched cottage, cruise ship wharf... The poor but simple barley village is so quiet and serene. The home of bronze and sunflower brothers and sisters is here. In this quiet and barren land, the brothers and sisters live simply and happily. Even in extremely difficult years, they will smile and be optimistic to face all kinds of difficulties they encounter and go on strongly

At this time, I have already fallen into the memory of my childhood. I still remember that the ancient town of Minghe in my childhood, as described in the book, had a wide threshing field, dense woods, sparkling lake water, and the long boat parked at the wharf... The picture of my childhood was always so beautiful. My grandmother would hold my hand and roam in the deep alley, ticking, listening to the sound of raindrops knocking on the bluestone slab; In my memory, my grandmother would row an oar and take me wandering among the reeds of Baiyang Lake. The sunset shone golden on the lake; In the old tile house in the ancient town, grandma will make my favorite dishes with her hands in the kitchen. The pungent smell still remains in my mind

However, with the growth of age, the worries and troubles in my heart also increase. The busy study and heavy homework go hand in hand. The once carefree childhood disappears like the ancient town of childhood. The quiet Minghe ancient town in the past has already become lively and prosperous. Even at night, colorful lights are shining everywhere and noisy voices are full of everywhere. Walking around the ancient town, I always feel that the ancient town lacks a kind of memory, a taste of my childhood memory, which is quiet and peaceful fragrance.

But as time goes by, everything is destined to change. I know that the carefree childhood is gone forever, but I will be greeted by a new and wonderful youth. Maybe it will be more busy and nervous than in childhood, but its sky will be broader and higher. What I can do is to sharpen my wings and look forward to one day I can fly higher and farther!

At this time, I am as optimistic and hopeful as my brother and sister bronze and sunflower. I believe I can move towards a more wonderful youth. I also believe that the tomorrow of Minghe ancient town will be better and better, and a prosperous flower will bloom in Youfang!




英语读后感200字 篇1

Confidence is often makes people have the courage to live. Confidence, courage, ability, have experience, you can succeed. 28 years, a surprising number, a magical number! While he was in the sea, lubin sun, the wild life drift teus.vanguard! Why he can take all these dangerous, through a variety of difficulties, hard to survive? I gradually with their doubts into the book…

Life is compared to a bumpy road, you may not have difficulty, no setbacks. Anyway, we all want to have confidence, courage, have the courage to traverse the steps. Indeed, we need truly, dont always optimistic to see the world in the dark side, must see the bright future of the day. The navigator of mythology, with a mans wisdom and confidence to fill, optimistic, he created such miracles.

英语读后感200字 篇2

Its long long ago, maybe before I can read english books. I dont remember which movie edition I had seen. But I was impressed by the music, the scenery and the costume. I was very favor of a section of music in its balls. Itspretty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird. Regarding to the characters, I liked Elizabeth, the heroine,though I didnt think shes beautiful. But shes smart. However, I didnt pay much attention to the plot. I thought its so long that it made me impatient and bored. By now, I havent read the whole story in English or its Chinese version, either. I owe it to my prejudice.

In fact, I didnt understand the story at that time. I didnt know why it called Pride and Prejudice. Of course someone was pride, but I didnt find where s the prejudice. I thought its normal, the way people treated each other in that. I considered prejudice would be very disgusting.

英语读后感200字 篇3

As an orphan, Oliver Twist went through much maltreatment. Fortunately, the little boy found his family and enjoyed family love.

The story attaches much importance to family love and friendship. However, as a critical realist writer, not only does Dickens make a distinction between justice and evil, such as Oliver and his half-brother Monks, but he also exposes some problems of workhouse, child laborer and organized crime to the public, which deeply appalled me.

英语读后感200字 篇4

Read the wizard of oz,I realized that friends are very precious.With the scarecrow,dasey rose more than iron and the lion,never met together,and then to friends together and help each other,the results achieved their desire.We are friends,we should help each other.

Friends are very rare and very important,we must cherish him,let the flower of friendship forever bloom.

英语读后感200字 篇5

i read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10 short articles about the writers stories .they are based on his own experience , when i read this book ,i feel very happy to see luxuns childhood. it was diffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting. luxuns langange is very great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we can find his happinein his heart .

英语读后感200字 篇6

A Little Princess is a touching novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett—a famous novelist and dramatist. It obviously contains lots of fancied plots, but the parts it talks about creating miracles, can really reach the bottom of my heart.

The book can bring me into a world that is more than reality while reading it. The extraordinary story makes me ponder a lot and gives me a deep impression that every girl can be a princess.

英语读后感200字 篇7

i read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10 short articles about the writers stories .they are based on his own experience , when i read this book ,i feel very happy to see luxuns childhood. it was diffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting. luxuns langange is very great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we can find his happiness in his heart .

英语读后感200字 篇8

After reading Peter Pam, I learned to be confident and strong.

I love the "Peter Pam" this book, the fourteenth chapter in the island aboard the Wendy on children's farewell the last paragraph is this:I hope that my son is dying like a British gentleman. This sentence attracted me.

I think so when I finished reading Peterpan:how good it would be if I was Peter Pam!

英语读后感200字 篇9

i read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10 short articles about the writers stories .they are based on his own experience , when i read this book ,i feel very happy to see luxuns childhood.

it was diffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting. luxuns langange is very great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we can find his happiness in his heart .

英语读后感200字 篇10

The story is good,dasey rose more than she started with love is the aunt and uncle Henry's living in Kansas.One day,he and the dog toto is playing a more rose tornado to dasey and dog toto was in bed,and love's aunt and uncle Henry in the cellar safely,house of flying up slowly,after a while,the house again slowly down,crushed the Oriental witch,evil,dasey rose to a different country.

英语读后感200字 篇11

Read the wizard of oz,I realized that friends are very precious.With the scarecrow,dasey rose more than iron and the lion,never met together,and then to friends together and help each other,the results achieved their desire.We are friends,we should help each other.Friends are very rare and very important,we must cherish him,let the flower of friendship forever bloom.

英语读后感200字 篇12

War Horse was such a wonderful movie. This movie exceeded my expectations. It was moving, emotional, beautiful, and so heartwarming. Its sure to become a classic. You dont have to be a horse lover to love this movie.

There isnt a lot of blood, but you can still see the horrors of war and how intense it was for the soldiers and horses, as well as civilians. The Battle of the Somme scene was especially intense.

The acting was wonderful, the cinematography was beautiful, John Williams score was perfect, and the horses were so well trained! Spielberg has made a masterpiece!

英语读后感200字 篇13

This summer vacation, I read a book -- "Robinson Crusoe".

This book tells: the British young sailor Robinson because of the ship into the sea sank, alone on an uninhabited island, began to struggle for survival journey. Build rafts, build houses.

In the entire 28 years of efforts, the desert island was built into a paradise by Robinson.

This optimistic, indomitable pioneering spirit and valuable strong quality leave people with the confidence and courage to challenge the nature.

英语读后感200字 篇14

This is a story about an orphans growing path. At last the character had successfully achieve her dream.

This book has encouraged me a lot. Whatever how many difficulties you are facing. just dont give up and keep on chasing your dreams. and we also have to learn the spirit of Jane which is persevering. It was because she had such a brave heart, would she get the real love. Sunshine comes after the storm, if we try our best, our dreams will finally come to! trust ourselves!

英语读后感200字 篇15

This week, I finished reading "The Wizard of Oz" in three days. Its really good.

The book is about Dorothys parents died when she was young, so she lived with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em. Dorothy and her house were swept away by a tornado.

Then Dorothy met the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion. The Scarecrow wanted brains, the Tin Woodman wanted heart, and the Cowardly Lion wanted courage.

In the end, everyone realized their dreams.

I like this book, because the plot is beautiful and it attracts me.

英语读后感200字 篇16

I read the story of The frog prince. I like the story very. I think the witch is very ruthless. We should be kind-hearted. The princess promises the frog prince she will sleep in her bed and kiss him if he brings up her golden ball. But she breaks her words. If we promise somebody something, we should keep our promises.

Yoyo and Doc encourage the frog prince not to lose his confidence. The frog prince is so persistent that he finally turns into the prince. The king is so upright. So we should learn from him.

英语读后感200字 篇17

Previously,in a certain town,a very lovely girl,she is not only beautiful but also intelligent kindhearted and spoke up for the girl.The girl without a mother,because her mother,when she was still small,on the death.

The girl's father,his mother married a new,new mothers also have two new sister."Wow,this could be the next home noisy."Girls very pleased."

Sudden change in the family dynamic,lively,girls very happy.Because her father is not only a new mother.there were also two sisters.However,the excitement was short girls.

英语读后感200字 篇18

This morning, I read the story of The Tom Thumb. I like it very much.

Tom is a clever boy. He is very small, just as small as a thumb. One day, he had a travel. He had a lot of difficulties during his travel. He didn’t give up, he solved all the difficulties and finally got home successfully.

I like this book because I like Tom. He is so clever and brave. We should learn form him. Whenever we had any difficulties, we should be quiet and calm, don’t give up, then we can find ways to overcome everything by ourselves.

英语读后感200字 篇19

A long ago,rich man wife was ill, she feel die , so she was say with she daughter: “my lovely daughter,you don’t afraid , the supreme being was a blessing.”

The mother was die,forever die. The daughter was sad cry. Read these, I’m very sad. I’m cry, too.You thick,a daughter without mother, that afraid!“Then,the father request a stepmother . A stepmother have two daughter. Two daughter very beautiful, but heart very ugly.

They say lovely daughter was ‘cinderella’ . Cinderella? That’s very disagreeable to hear!Oh,that’s hatefully!

英语读后感200字 篇20

I just finished the novel and I learnt so much form the four girls.Life is short and bitter,but hope is the only remedy.We can get through everything with love.To form a good character,just learn form the four girls:Meg's being a good wife,Jo's independence,Beth's tranquility and Amy's longing to be a fair lady.

英语读后感200字 篇21

Today , I read a very funny story of a foolish .

It say : One day , Peter’s mother had to go to attend a picnic . So Peter had to stay near the door and look after it all the time . Because many of the town thief . After an hour , one of his aunt came . She to Peter to tell his mother , they will be in the evening to visit their house . His aunt is gone , but a very difficult Peter . So he pulled the door down , put it on his back and went to his mother with it . Read here , I buret out laughing .

I think Peter is stupid . Mother said he didn’t know the meaning of the words .

英语读后感200字 篇22

Today, I see thethis book again.

This story is in the Zootopia. When animals start to go missing in Zootopia, officer Judy,the city#39;s first bunny cop jumps at fhe chance to solve the mystery. Judy and scam-artist fox Nick are forced to team up and discover even natural enemies can become best friends.

I like this book very much. Because this is a motivational book, about to also can achieve the great dream, finaly become a hero of the story. I like in a word therein "This is Zootopia, and anyone can be anything."

英语读后感200字 篇23

Chris Gardner is a bright and talented, but marginally employed salesman.

Struggling to make ends meet, Gardner finds himself and his five-year-old son evicted from their San Francisco apartment with nowhere to go. When Gardner lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, he and his son endure many hardships, including living in shelters, in pursuit of his dream of a better life for the two of them.at last,he succeed in this,from the stroy,I know that Don't give up your pursue,maybe thingswill turn good if you carry on one more second!





Novel describe and buy to sell through perfect art form wine upstart" American dream" that Gatsby pursue unreal the twenties Kill , has announced the tragedy of the American society. Gatsby falls in love with Daisy and departure is actually a very ordinary love story.

But the author makes skilful opening moves, regard girl whom Gatsby loved the symbols of the youth, money and status deeply as, Regard U.S.A. as by means to pursue rich material life" Dream of".

For pursue Gatsby Daisy exhaust own emotion and ability and intelligence, ruin one's own life. He thought innocently : Can revive an old dream after having money, redeem the lost love. It's a pity , he is wrong. He has misunderstood this one of Daisy Vulgar and shallow woman .

He has misunderstood the boring society on the surface dissipated and luxurious and hollowly on spirit. Whether it live he the dreamlike China, is abandoned by Daisy, treats for the society coldly, Cast the tragedy that can't retrieve at last.

Gatsby is the typical American youth in the twenties. Experience of him whether joyous song smile at portrayal in" knight's times" of dance. Sweetheart Daisy of one's early years such as Gatsby marry rich and life dissolute Tom.

For win Daisy, by buy to sell he wine accumulate first a large sum of wealth again He thought innocently : Can revive an old dream after having money, redeem the lost love .But he fails to gain Daisy's heart finally, has exhausted one's own emotion and ability and intelligence in order to pursue Daisy, Ruin one's own life finally.

The illusion that Gatsby revived an old dream has gone for ever. The author composes a chilly and disappointed sad melody with the multicoloured note, leave somebody limitless thinking.


Sense and Sensibility was the first Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason.

The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. Whereas the former is a sensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic--a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and compassion.

Commenting on Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinor's hand, Marianne admits that while she "loves him tenderly," she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister.

Soon however, Marianne meets a man who measures up to her ideal: Mr. Willoughby, a new neighbor. So swept away by passion is Marianne that her behavior begins to border on the scandalous.

Then Willoughby abandons her; meanwhile, Elinor's growing affection for Edward suffers a check when he admits he is secretly engaged to a childhood sweetheart. How each of the sisters reacts to their romantic misfortunes, and the lessons they draw before coming finally to the requisite happy ending forms the heart of the novel.

Though Marianne's disregard for social conventions and willingness to consider the world well-lost for love may appeal to modern readers, it is Elinor whom Austen herself most evidently admired; a truly happy marriage, she shows us, exists only where sense and sensibility meet and mix in proper measure.

This article is from internet, only for studying!




Unbelievable, this little book moved me a lot. I seldom think about the true meaning of love and life before. Well, now I can say, with my short sixteen-year’s life experience, it’s like the stars in the sky that lit my heart. The little prince is not only an ordinary fairy-tale for children, but also for grown-ups, and our teenagers. Nevertheless, when I read this book, I feel a little sad – about ourselves, whom are losing more and more innocence

Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what I have just finished reading with tears of sadness filling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishness of the secular world for a long time. It is truly what I felt after reading Oliver Twist, written by the prominent British author Charles Dickens.

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