
学习能力 2024-06-28 15:30:40 390

自主学习的英文?自主学习是与传统的接受学习相对应的一种现代化学习方式。Self-regulated learning is a modern learning method corresponding to traditional receptive learning.以学生作为学习的主体,学生自己做主,不受别人支配,不受外界干扰通过阅读、听讲、研究、观察、实践等手段使个体可以得到持续变化(知识与技能,那么,自主学习的英文?一起来了解一下吧。

自主学习 英文翻译



On Self-study

Autonomous learningis an important learning style in distance education .It is an essential skillfor distance learners because they study alone most of the time. They do notmeet their tutors or classmates very often. However, distance learners canlearn a lot from each other .So autonomous learning and collaborative learninggo hand in hand. I am a distance learner. I have to do most learning tasks bymyself .Meanwhile we have group activities every two weeks to complete somelearning tasks or share experiences .I have found both forms of learning very helpful.


About the definition of autonomous learning, the scholars at home and abroad are defined a lot, but is basically similar, it can be summarized as follows: based on self-consciousness development on the basis of "can learn, Based on students' learning motivation is the intrinsic basis to learn "," Based on the students master the basis of learning strategies, "will learn, Based on the basis of volitive efforts "to learn" . Summarizes the research results of scholars at home and abroad, we found that the basic characteristics of autonomous learners has the following: to purposefully. Clear aim, learning attitude, to learn, to know the values actively planning and arrange their own learning.can selectively learning. Can accurately choose learning contents, swim in the ocean of information, information is keen sensibility, capture and understanding, and can effectively found, collection, information acquisition, processing and creation. can learn originality. Not satisfied ready-made answers to study results, or content can be independent thinking, thinking, can multi-directional from diverse perspectives to know the same things, and put them together, creating something new, or creative use to adapt to the new situation, the new question, and constantly expand their horizons. in studying on the self-regulation. For their learning motivation, interest, strategies, and learning results have self-knowledge and control ability, can be found in the study is sensitive to emerge or problem, targeted measures. To their future life and study have good vision and imagination, and have the desire to achieve the ideal and sense of responsibility. could adapt to the life of individuals, and know the rules, and observe for group, the group. With the intention and interpersonal communication ability, and group members, respect each other, according to individual needs consciously assume and convert their role in group activities, in active learning. good construction entity study group or online learning group, participate in constructing and maintaining learners community .



英 [ˈselfˈstʌdi] 美 [ˈsɛlfˈstʌdi]




Individuals can enrol on self-study courses in the university's language institute.


I learned English in school, and a number of self-study.


自主学习方法 探究学习方法 合作学习方法 英语怎么翻译

study 学习(含有“研究”的意思)(还可作名词,意思是“书房”)

learn 学习(含有跟着别人学习的意思)(还有“知道、了解”等意思)


1.He is studying in his study.

2.You will learn it some day.


Independent study method 自主学习方法

Inquires into the study method 探究学习方法

Cooperation study method 合作学习方法


Internet is getting into people's life and becoming more and more popular. Experts are now working on setting up a national long-distance educational system in China to provide educational opportunities via Internet. In reality, the educational via Internet plan has been taking shape. Some universities have already got involved in regional long-distance education, catching the attention of many educators and computer experts worldwide. Others have just connected their campus computers for teaching and research, and provided more opportunities for learners. The Internet education will be developing dramatically. It's estimated that computerized long-distance teaching networks will be available by 2010 for postgraduate education, vacational programs, teachers' training and employees' training. Moreover, it will soon cover all the corners of China and eventually win the worldwide popularity.


以上就是自主学习的英文的全部内容,1、learn by oneself 英文发音:[lɜːn baɪ wʌnˈself]中文释义:自学;自主学习;自学英语 例句:He is learning English by himself.他正在自学英语。2、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
