
阅读能力 2024-04-29 17:05:06 337

七年级阅读题?(一)一诺千金 ①去陕西出差,先到一个很偏远的小镇,接着坐汽车去村里。路凹凸不平特难走。沿着盘山公路转悠,没多久我就开始晕车,吐得一塌糊涂。后来翻过了两座高山,过了一条湍急的河,那么,七年级阅读题?一起来了解一下吧。


1. 【解析】选B。句意:运动在我们生活中扮演着很重要的角色。important“重要的”; different“不同的;strange “奇怪的”。


3.【解析】选C。thousands of years“几千年”。

4.【解析】选A。前后两句句意发生了转折, 故用表示转折的连词but“但是”。

5. 【解析】选A。句子前面是“运动帮助人们保持健康和快乐”, 那么此处用“活得更长”才能与之相对应。

6. 【解析】选B。句意:但一些人喜欢看别人做运动。others意为“其他的人(复数)”。

7. 【解析】选A。buy tickets意为“买票”, 与“看比赛”相对应。

8. 【解析】选C。句意:直到比赛结束, 他们才去睡觉。结束“be over”。

9. 【解析】选B。get作系动词时, 词意为“变得”;smell “闻起来”;taste“尝起来”。

10. 【解析】选C。与前面的summer相对应。





Now, here’s a plan about our school trip. We’ll spend the first four days inNewYork.

We’ll visit the city and some famous places like the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)We will go there by train. We won’t go by bus because the journey(旅程) is too long and we won’t have enough time to do every thing.

There will be 80 students on the trip. we will travel in three groups, and we will be teachers in each group. I will join Group One.

I hope that everyone on the trip will have a good time, but please remember that it is an educational(教育性的) visit not a holiday. There will be some time for swimming and other sports, but we are going to America to study the American culture(文化),We should speak English as much as possible(可能的)

1. ( )The students are going to America to .

A. enjoy the beautiful scenery B Study the American culture C do some sports

2. ( )Will the students go to New York?

A Yes ,they will B.No, they won’t C We don’t know

3. ( )The students will stay in New York for days. A four B five C nine

4. ( )The students will travel to America by .A bus B train C boat

5. ( )Mrs Smith will join . A Group One B Group Two C Group Three


Do you like sandwiches? Do you know the story of “sandwich”?

Many years ago, in England an Earl (伯爵) of Sandwich liked playing cards. He liked to play for money. He played very well and he often played all day and all night. Once (曾经) he played for 24 hours without stopping. He didn’t stop to eat. His servants had to bring food to him. They gave him some meat and some bread, but he didn’t want to stop playing cards to eat them. He put the meat between two pieces of bread. In this way, he needn’t stop playing cards when he had the bread with meat. Later people call this kind of food “sandwich” from his name.

( )1. The word “sandwich” come from ____.

A. America B. England C. China D. Japan

( )2. In Chinese, the word “servant” means ____.

A. 仆人 B. 父母 C.牌友 D.妻子

( )3. The servants gave him some ____ to eat.

A. meat B. bread C. fruit D.A and B

( )4. The Earl liked to play cards for ____.

A. fun. B. money C. energy D. food

( )5. The Earl of Sandwich didn’t stop to eat because he ____.

A. wasn’t hungry B. didn’t like sandwiches

C. didn’t want to stop playing cards D. had no time


Americans usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight o’clock in the morning. They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee. Lunch is between twelve and one o’clock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near workplace.

Children in school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them or eat in school. Supper, the main meal, is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it carefully. They may have meat or chicken, turkey and duck. They may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee, tea or milk. Then comes the dessert.

1. Americans have breakfast . A. after eight o’clock B. at eight o’clock

C. before eight o’clock in the morning D. in the morning

2. __is the most important meal in a day. A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Meals D. Supper

3. What does “light” mean in Chinese? ___A. 重的B. 有用的C. 轻的D. 不太重要的

4. Americans usually have breakfast and supper at ____

A. home B. office C. in school D. work place

5. When Americans have supper, _______ comes last.

A. drink B. meat C. dessert D. vegetables











1.I will have a short holiday next week and have decided to

visit Shanghai for a second time.及下文署名可知是桑迪要去上海度假。故选C。

2.I have booked a room in the Peace Hotel.描述,可知作者在和平宾馆预定了一个房间。故选C。

3.and have decided tovisit Shanghai for a second time.描述,可知这是作者第二次去上海。可知他去过一次,故选B。

4.I will arrive on the night of March 27 and leave early on March 29.描述,可知作者只能在28日参观上海,故选B。

5.Can you give me some suggestions for my visit to Shanghai?描述,可知作者主要是在向李飞征求建议。









以上就是七年级阅读题的全部内容,on March 29.描述,可知作者只能在28日参观上海,故选B。5.Can you give me some suggestions for my visit to Shanghai?描述,可知作者主要是在向李飞征求建议。故选A,请求一个旅行计划。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
