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剑桥雅思6阅读解析?解题思路: “3000BC”和“皇帝的妻子”都很好定位,在第一段的第二句中便可看到,但却偏偏没有“掉进”这个信息,直到读者看到第五句中的landed in这个同义表述才能恍然大悟,答案为tea。那么,剑桥雅思6阅读解析?一起来了解一下吧。




剑桥雅思系列真题VI中的List of Headings,段落标题配对题的比例呈明显上升趋势。Cambridge IV & V 各有两篇文章有该题型,而且各自只有9道和7道。而《剑桥雅思6》共有5篇文章包含该题型,一共28道题目。这对广大考生无疑形成了不小的难度,‘烤鸭’们需要加强对段落主旨的把握能力,下面就是天道小编整理的剑桥雅思6阅读Test 3难点解析。

在雅思阅读的主流题型中,是非无判断题(T / F / NG)、小结填空题(Summary)、简答题 (Short Answer)、标题配对题(Headings)、其他配对题(Matching)和多项选择题(Multiple Choice)的前三种题型属于技巧题(即使单词量不高也能通过技巧解题),后两种属于考核语言实力题(单词不认识就无法完成)。


关键词: 3000 BC, cocoon, fell into, emperor's wife

定位原文: 第1段第5句“It just so happened that... ” 这些蚕茧中的一粒掉进了热茶中并开始松散成为一根细丝。

解题思路: “3000BC”和“皇帝的妻子”都很好定位,在第一段的第二句中便可看到,但却偏偏没有“掉进”这个信息,直到读者看到第五句中的landed in这个同义表述才能恍然大悟,答案为tea。


Question 2

答案: reel

关键词: emperor's wife, invented, pull out silk fibres

定位原文: 第1段第8句“She also devised a special reel to draw... ”她还设计发明了一种特殊的卷轴来将蚕茧中的纤维纺成丝线。

解题思路: 此题的定位距离上一道题不远,仍是皇帝妻子所做的事。题干说“皇帝的妻子发明了一个 _____ 来拽出丝绸纤维”,读者只需回到原文找到devised这个对invented进行同义表述的单词,即不难发现答案为reel。




Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage

Professor Stephen Hawking has warned that the creation of powerfulartificial intelligence (AI) will be “either the best, or the worst thing, everto happen to humanity”, and praised the creation of an academic institutededicated to researching the future of intelligence as “crucial to the future ofour civilization and our species.”

Hawking was speaking at the opening of the Leverhulme Centre for the Futureof Intelligence (LCFI) at Cambridge University, a multi-disciplinary institutethat will attempt to tackle some of the open-ended questions raised by the rapidpace of development in AI research. “We spend a great deal of time studyinghistory,” Hawking said, “which, let’s face it, is mostly the history ofstupidity. So it’s a welcome change that people are studying instead the futureof intelligence.”

While the world-renowned physicist has often been cautious about AI,raising concerns that humanity could be the architect of its own destruction ifit creates a super-intelligence with a will of its own, he was also quick tohighlight the positives that AI research can bring. “The potential benefits ofcreating intelligence are huge,” he said. “We cannot predict what we mightachieve when our own minds are amplified by AI. Perhaps with the tools of thisnew technological revolution, we will be able to undo some of the damage done tothe natural world by the last one – industrialization. And surely we will aim tofinally eradicate disease and poverty. And every aspect of our lives will betransformed. In short, success in creating AI could be the biggest event in thehistory of our civilization.”

Huw Price, the centre’s academic director and the Bertrand Russellprofessor of philosophy at Cambridge University, where Hawking is also anacademic, said that the centre came about partially as a result of theuniversity’s Centre for Existential Risk. That institute examined a wider rangeof potential problems or humanity, while the LCFI has a narrow focus.

AI pioneer Margaret Boden, professor of cognitive science at the Universityof Sussex, praised the progress of such discussions. As recently as 2009, shesaid, the topic wasn’t taken seriously, even among AI researchers. “AI is hugelyexciting,” she said, “but it has limitations, which present grace dangers givenuncritical use.”

The academic community is not alone in warning about the potential dangersof AI as well as the potential benefits. A number of pioneers from thetechnology industry, most famously the entrepreneur Elon Musk, have alsoexpressed their concerns about the damage that a super-intelligent AI could doto humanity.

46. What did Stephen Hawking think of artificial intelligence?

A) It would be vital to the progress of human civilization.

B) It might be a blessing or a disaster in the making.

C) It might present challenges as well as opportunities.

D) It would be a significant expansion of human intelligence.

46. B. It might be a blessing or a disaster in the making.

【定位】根据题干Stephen Hawking think of artificial intelligence定位到第一段第一句

【解析】“either the best, or the worstthing…”,要么是最好的,要么是最坏的,与选项B对应。


这题之所以是 T, 是因为英语 countries still trade disproportionately with their geographic neighbours 的意思就是 most countries continue to prefer to trade with nearby nations. 这两句的意思完全一样!

看上去是废话,但这就是英语,或者说所有语言其实都有此特点:很多时候不能把一个句子分解成单词去理解。“上” 不等于 “下”,可 "上馆子" 等于 “下馆子”!

如果英语为母语的人说 For their daily need, these islanders get protein disproportionately from fish,这个/些人的意思就是:这些岛民日常所需的蛋白质主要来自于鱼类。




题目见剑桥雅思6,第二套试题,听力Section 3部分:








dissertation n.论文

discipline n.知识领域;(尤指大学的)学科、科目

tutorial n.导师辅导

target n.目标

loan n.借出,贷款

analysis n.分析

statistics n.数据

catalogue n.目录

draft v.打草稿

survey n.调查

embark v.着手


abbreviation n.缩写

drawback n.缺点

handwriting n.书写

paperclips n.纸夹子

historian n.历史学家

paperwork n.报告

manilla folder 牛皮纸文件夹

plagiarism n.抄袭

margin n.书页边的空白处;利润

pledge v.保证

marketplace n.市场

practical adj.现实的

memo n.便笺,备忘录

precision n.精确度

methodology n.方法(学)

pressure n.压力

observation n.观察

professor n.教授

opportunity n.机遇

proficiency n.熟练

overflow n.溢满

protection n.保护

critical adj.批判式的

reflective adj.熟虑的;反光的

criticize v.批评

representative adj.具代表性的

deadline n.最后期限

reproduce v.再生

decoration n.装饰

respondent n.受访者

demanding adj.有难度的

responsibility n.责任

domesticate v.使本土化

roundabout adj.曲折的


1. How have you been getting on with you dissertation?


How have you been…是口语中经常使用的问别人某事最近进展如何的说法。

以上就是剑桥雅思6阅读解析的全部内容,Passage 1 – The Dover Bronze-Age Boat READING PASSAGE 1 Questions1–13 Questions 1–5 解题策略(Tips and strategies)此题为阅读中较为简单的图表填空题。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
