
理解能力 2023-10-24 11:38:22 104



history of China(中国历史)

China, one of the four oldest civilizations in the world, has a written

history of 4,000 years and boasts rich cultural relics and historical sites. It

is the inventor of compass, paper-making, gunpowder and printing. The Great

Wall, Grand Canal and Karez irrigation system are three great ancient

engineering projects built 2,000 years ago. Now they are the symbols of the rich

culture of the Chinese nation. China has gone over a long history of primitive

society, slavery society, feudal society and semi-feudal semi-colonial society

and the present socialist society.

Condensed China is an introduction to Chinese history. It exists to inform,

enlighten, and attract netizens interested in China. It is not a complete

history of China; I deliberately skipped over and left out a lot of information.

This is more like ''Chinese History: the Cliff Notes version" or "Chinese

History's Greatest Hits" than a full-fledged history.

The state examination system with its 1500 years long history was the most

important means of recruiting state officials in the large administration system

of the Chinese imperial state. Still today, the Chinese Taiwan perpetuates this

institution in the shape of the Examination Yuan , altough the Taiwan government

thinks about abolishing this institution because of its uselessness in a modern

state. The method to recruit state officials by subjecting them to an

examination on the one side opened access to higher posts to everyone who had

fortune enough to finance ten years or more of intensive studies, but on the

other side tied up manforce and capital that could otherwise serve for

investment in business or in politics. And the intensive studies of Confucian

Classics that was imposed on the candidates could also divert their thoughts and

activities from critique or even rebellion - not always successful, like the

case of the successless and disappointed candidate Hong Xiuquan, leader of the

Taiping rebellion, proves.



_More ___ _Chinese___ _oil ___ _paintings___ will __be ___ ___on ___ __show____ tomorrow morning


__Sailing___a boat __on___the lake __sounds__ _very____ _good____


he—made—— very —few——— —friends——— when he was in beijing


china is —a——— -—country— —with — —a— —侍伏闷long——— —history—。



1. You can 【learn】 【more】 【about】【 history】 at the museum.

2.【More】 【Chinese】 【oil】 【paintings】 will be on show tomorrow morning.

3. 【Rowing】空亏 a boat 【on】 the lake 【sounds】 【really】 【good/great】晌亏梁.

4. He 【hardly】 ever 【made】 【friends】 when he was in Beijing.这里的ever打错了

5. China is 【a】 【country】【 with】 【a】 【long】 【history】。





I know Chinese history very well and have a lot of knowledge of Chinese cultural relics.



以上就是了解中国历史的英语的全部内容,在中国历史上的英语是In Chinese history。中国历史,从夏朝算起,有近4100年历史;从中国第一个统一的朝代秦朝算起,约有2241年。自河洛古国(文明的胚胎)算起,至今已有5000多年的历史。一般认为,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
