
阅读能力 2023-10-04 18:24:52 99

老托福阅读?在特殊符号里或者旁边的词,最好通过符号回原文进行定位,如“paper conversation”,(three cubic miles) 这些词本身并没有什么特别,但放在符号里面,就可以根据符号回原文进行寻找。那么,老托福阅读?一起来了解一下吧。


你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:

Between 1882 and 1886 alone, the price of daily newspapers dropped from four cents a copy to one cent, made possible in part by a great increase in demand.

made possible in part by a great increase in demand



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为了帮助大家备考托福阅读,提高成绩,下面我给大家带来唤棚托福漏链启阅读TPO21(试题+答案+译文)第一篇:Geothermal Energy,希望大家喜欢!


【1】Earth's internal heat, fueled by radioactivity, provides the energy for plate tectonics and continental drift, mountain building, and earthquakes. It can also be harnessed to drive electric generators and heat homes. Geothermal energy becomes available in a practical form when underground heat is transferred by water that is heated as it passes through a subsurface region of hot rocks (a heat reservoir) that may be hundreds or thousands of feet deep. The water is usually naturally occurring groundwater that seeps down along fractures in the rock; less typically, the water is artificially introduced by being pumped down from the surface. The water is brought to the surface, as a liquid or steam, through holes drilled for the purpose.

【2】By far the most abundant form of geothermal energy occurs at the relatively low temperatures of 80° to 180° centigrade. Water circulated through heat reservoirs in this temperature range is able to extract enough heat to warm residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. More than 20,000 apartments in France are now heated by warm underground water drawn from a heat reservoir in a geologic structure near Paris called the Paris Basin. Iceland sits on a volcanic structure known as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, is entirely heated by geothermal energy derived from volcanic heat.

【3】Geothermal reservoirs with temperatures above 180° centigrade are useful for generating electricity. They occur primarily in regions of recent volcanic activity as hot, dry rock; natural hot water; or natural steam. The latter two sources are limited to those few areas where surface water seeps down through underground faults or fractures to reach deep rocks heated by the recent activity of molten rock material. The world's largest supply of natural steam occurs at The Geysers, 120 kilometers north of San Francisco, California. In the 1990s enough electricity to meet about half the needs of San Francisco was being generated there. This facility was then in its third decade of production and was beginning to show signs of decline, perhaps because of over development. By the late 1990s some 70 geothermal electric-generating plants were in operation in California, Utah, Nevada, and Hawaii, generating enough power to supply about a million people. Eighteen countries now generate electricity using geothermal heat.

【4】Extracting heat from very hot, dry rocks presents a more difficult problem: the rocks must be fractured to permit the circulation of water, and the water must be provided artificially. The rocks are fractured by water pumped down at very high pressures. Experiments are under way to develop technologies for exploiting this resource.

【5】Like most other energy sources, geothermal energy presents some environmental problems. The surface of the ground can sink if hot groundwater is withdrawn without being replaced. In addition, water heated geothermally can contain salts and toxic materials dissolved from the hot rock. These waters present a disposal problem if they are not returned to the ground from which they were removed.

【6】The contribution of geothermal energy to the world's energy future is difficult to estimate. Geothermal energy is in a sense not renewable, because in most cases the heat would be drawn out of a reservoir much more rapidly than it would be replaced by the very slow geological processes by which heat flows through solid rock into a heat reservoir. However, in many places (for example, California, Hawaii, the Philippines, Japan, Mexico, the rift valleys of Africa)the resource is potentially so large that its future will depend on the economics of production. At present, we can make efficient use of only naturally occurring hot water or steam deposits. Although the potential is enormous, it is likely that in the near future geothermal energy can make important local contributions only where the resource is close to the user and the economics are favorable, as they are in California, New Zealand, and Iceland. Geothermal energy probably will not make large-scale contributions to the world energy budget until well into the twenty-first century, if ever.


1.According to the processes described in paragraph 1, what is the relationship between radioactivity and the steam produced by geothermal heat?

A.Geothermally heated steam is produced when water is exposed to radioactivity deep underground.

B.When water is introduced into holes drilled thousands of feet in the ground, it becomes radioactive and turns to steam.

C.Radioactivity heats Earth's interior rock, which in turn can heat water to the point it becomes steam.

D.When a reservoir of steam in subsurface rock is produced by radioactivity, it is said to be geothermally heated.

2.The word "practical" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to





3.The word "abundant" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to





4.According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true about heat reservoirs with a temperature in the range of 80°to 180° centigrade?

A.They are under international control.

B.They are more common than reservoirs that have a higher temperature.

C.Few of them produce enough heat to warm large industrial spaces.

D.They are used to generate electricity.

5.According to paragraph 3, what is the connection between underground faults and naturally occurring steam?

A.Underground faults enable the heat from molten-rock material to escape upward to regions where it can heat surface water enough to produce steam.

B.Underground faults are created by steam that is produced in geothermal reservoirs deep inside Earth.

C.Underground faults create spaces in which natural steam is sometimes trapped.

D.Underground faults allow surface water to reach deep rocks that are hot enough to turn it into steam.

6.In paragraph 3, why does the author mention that in the 1990s The Geysers was in its third decade of production?

A.To provide the historical context of the geothermal production of electricity in the United States.

B.To imply that The Geysers was the first geothermal site to be put into production in California.

C.To help explain the signs of decline shown by The Geysers.

D.To explain why 70 new geothermal sites were put into electricity production in the late 1990s.

7.Which of the following can be inferred from paragraphs 2 and 3 about geothermal reservoirs?

A.Volcanic heat is associated only with geothermal reservoirs that have a temperature over 180° centigrade.

B.More countries produce power from geothermal reservoirs than use them for heating buildings.

C.Most geothermal reservoirs are suitable for producing electricity.

D.A higher geothermal reservoir temperature is needed to generate electricity than is needed to heat homes.

8.According to paragraph 4, extracting heat from very hot, dry rocks is difficult in part because

A.the underground rock must be fractured before heat can be removed from it.

B.the water above the rock is under very high pressure.

C.the rock breaks apart when water is pumped into it.

D.the water circulated through the rock must be much cooler than the rock itself.

9.The word "exploiting" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to



C.making use of.

D.estimating the size of.

10.How is the problem that the surface may sink related to the problem that water heated geothermally may contain toxic materials?

A.Both problems could be solved by returning groundwater that is removed from an underground heat reservoir back to the reservoir after heat is extracted from it.

B.The problem of sinking is more difficult to solve than is the problem of toxic materials.

C.Land at the surface sinks because the rock beneath the surface is weakened when salts and toxic materials are removed from it in the process of extracting geothermal energy.

D.Both problems are caused by the fact that the hot groundwater in a heat reservoir dissolves the rock, which weakens the rock and makes the water toxic with salt.

11.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 6? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A.Heat flows through solid rock very slowly, so it takes a very long time for geological processes to produce a reservoir of geothermal energy.

B.Geothermal energy is not renewable because heat flows very slowly through solid rock into or out of a heat reservoir.

C.The heat quickly removed from a heat reservoir is replaced so slowly by geological processes that geothermal energy is not practically speaking, renewable.

D.In most cases, heat travels into a heat reservoir so slowfy that it is a much quicker process to remove the heat from a reservoir than to replace it.

12.In paragraph 6, the author implies that in California, Hawaii, the Philippines, Japan, Mexico, and the rift valleys of Africa the potential size of the geothermal resource is so large that

A.it might be economically worth developing these sites even though geothermal energy is not renewable.

B.these sites will be the first geothermal energy sites to be developed with new technology.

C.these sites are likely to make a large-scale contribution to the world energy budget in the twenty-first century.

D.it does not matter whether they have naturally occurring deposits of hot water or steam.

13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage. In either case, the heated water will usually be under considerable pressure, and so may have a temperature that is well above its sea-level boiling point of 100° centigrade.

Earth's internal heat, fueled by radioactivity, provides the energy for plate tectonics and continental drift, mountain building, and earthquakes. It can also be harnessed to drive electric generators and heat homes. Geothermal energy becomes available in a practical form when underground heat is transferred by water that is heated as it passes through a subsurface region of hot rocks (a heat reservoir) that may be hundreds or thousands of feet deep. ■【A】The water is usually naturally occurring groundwater that seeps down along fractures in the rock; less typically, the water is artificially introduced by being pumped down from the surface. ■【B】The water is brought to the surface, as a liquid or steam, through holes drilled for the purpose.■【C】

By far the most abundant form of geothermal energy occurs at the relatively low temperatures of 80° to 180° centigrade. ■【D】Water circulated through heat reservoirs in this temperature range is able to extract enough heat to warm residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. More than 20,000 apartments in France are now heated by warm underground water drawn from a heat reservoir in a geologic structure near Paris called the Paris Basin. Iceland sits on a volcanic structure known as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, is entirely heated by geothermal energy derived from volcanic heat.

14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Heat reservoirs in the form of hot rock far beneath Earth's surface are a potential source of usable geothermal energy.

A.Heat reservoirs with a temperature from 80° to 180° centigrade can be used, as in France and Iceland, to heat buildings.

B.A number of countries now use geothermal reservoirs that contain water or steam above 180° centigrade to generate electricity.

C.Most heat reservoirs with a temperature above 180° centigrade cannot be used for energy because they are usually too close to recent volcanic activity.

D.The sinking of land above heat reservoirs and other environmental problems arise when water is pumped into a heat reservoir under high pressure.

E.Experiments are under way to determine if geothermally heated waters could be used as a source of certain minerals that have been dissolved out of hot rocks deep within Earth.

F.A number of issues, including how to extract heat from reservoirs that do not have a natural supply of water, will significantly limit the use of geothermal energy for the foreseeable future.


1.细节题,问radioactivity和steam的关系,所以找双关键词,分别定位至本段第一句和最后一句,第一句说radioactivity提供了地球的内热,最后一句说水变成蒸汽到达地表,水受热才能蒸汽,而这份热量是geothermal energy提供的,这就是二者的关系,所以答案是C。


为了帮助大家备考托福阅读,提高成绩,下面我给大家带来老托福阅读100篇passage 33试题及答案,希望大家喜欢!

老托福阅读100篇passage 33试题及答案


Researchers in the field of psychology have found that one of the best ways to make an important decision, such as choosing a university to attend or a business to invest in, involves the utilization of a decision worksheet. Psychologists who study optimization compare the actual decisions made by people to theoretical ideal decisions to see how similar they are. Proponents of the worksheet procedure believe that it will yield optimal, that is, the best decisions. Although there are several variations on the exact format that worksheets can take, they are all similar in their essential aspects. Worksheets require defining the problem in a clear and concise way and then listing all possible solutions to the problem. Next, the pertinent considerations that will be affected by each decision are listed, and the relative importance of each consideration or consequence is determined. Each consideration is assigned a numerical value to reflect its relative importance. A decision is mathematically calculated by adding these values together. The alternative with the highest number of points emerges as the best decision.

Since most important problems are multifaceted, there are several alternatives to choose from, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. One of the benefits of a pencil and paper decision-making procedure is that it permits people to deal with more variables than their minds can generally comprehend and remember. On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once. A worksheet can be especially useful when the decision involves a large number of variables with complex relationships. A realistic example for many college students is the question What will I do after graduation? A graduate might seek a position that offers specialized training, pursue an advanced degree, or travel abroad for a year.

A decision-making worksheet begins with a succinct statement of the problem that will also help to narrow it. It is important to be clear about the distinction between long-range and immediate goals because long-range goals often involve a different decision than short-range ones. Focusing on long-range goals, a graduating student might revise the question above to What will I do after graduation that will lead to successful career?

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) A tool to assist in making complex decisions.

(B) A comparison of actual decisions and ideal decisions

(C) Research on how people make decisions

(D) Differences between long-range and short-range decision making

2. The word essential in line 7 is closest in meaning to

(A) introductory

(B) changeable

(C) beneficial

(D) fundamental

3. The word pertinent in line 9 is closest in meaning to

(A) relevant

(B) preceding

(C) insightful

(D) responsive

4. Of the following steps, which occurs before the others in making a decision worksheet?

(A) Listing the consequences of each solution

(B) Calculating a numerical summary of each solution

(C) Deciding which consequences are most important

(D) Writing down all possible solutions

5. According to decision-worksheet theory, an optimal decision is defined as one that

(A) has the fewest variables to consider

(B) uses the most decision worksheets

(C) has the most points assigned to it

(D) is agreed to by the greatest number of people

6. The author develops the discussion in paragraph 1 by means of

(A) describing a process

(B) classifying types of worksheets

(C) providing historical background

(D) explaining a theory

7. The author states that On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at

once (lines 17-18) to explain that

(A) most decisions involve seven steps

(B) human mental capacity has limitations

(C) some people have difficulty making minor as well as major decisions

(D) people can learn to keep more than seven ideas in their minds with practice

8. The word succinct in line 24 is closest in meaning to

(A) creative

(B) satisfactory

(C) personal

(D) concise

9. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?

(A) Proponents (line 5)

(B) Optimal (line 5)

(C) Variables (line 17)

(D) Long-range goals (line 25)

10. The word it in line 24 refers to

(A) worksheet

(B) problem

(C) distinction

(D) decision

11. The word revise in line 26 is closest in meaning to

(A) ask

(B) explain

(C) change

(D) predict






TPO是我们常用的托福模考工具,对逗枯敏我们的备考很有价值败哗,下面我给大家带来托福阅读TPO16(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:Trade and the Ancient Middle East。


Trade was the mainstay of the urban economy in the Middle East, as caravans negotiated the surrounding desert, restricted only by access to water and by mountain ranges. This has been so since ancient times, partly due to the geology of the area, which is mostly limestone and sandstone, with few deposits of metallic ore and other useful materials Ancient demands for obsidian (a black volcanic rock useful for making mirrors and tools) led to trade with Armenia to the north, while jade for cutting tools was brought from Turkistan, and the precious stone lapis lazuli was imported from Afghanistan. One can trace such expeditions back to ancient Sumeria, the earliest known Middle Eastern civilization. Records show merchant caravans and trading posts set up by the Sumerians in the surrounding mountains and deserts of Persia and Arabia, where they traded grain for raw materials, such as timber and stones, as well as for metals and gems.

Reliance on trade had several important consequences. Production was generally in the hands of skilled individual artisans doing piecework under the tutelage of a master who was also the shop owner. In these shops differences of rank were blurred as artisans and masters labored side by side in the same modest establishment, were usually members of the same guild and religious sect, lived in the same neighborhoods, and often had assumed (or real) kinship relationships. The worker was bound to the master by a mutual contract that either one could repudiate, and the relationship was conceptualized as one of partnership.

This mode of craft production favored the growth of self-governing and ideologically egalitarian craft guilds everywhere in the Middle Eastern city. These were essentially professional associations that provided for the mutual aid and protection of their members, and allowed for the maintenance of professional standards. The growth of independent guilds was furthered by the fact that surplus was not a result of domestic craft production but resulted primarily from international trading; the government left working people to govern themselves, much as shepherds of tribal confederacies were left alone by their leaders. In the multiplicity of small-scale local egalitarian or quasi-egalitarian organizations for fellowship, worship, and production that flourished in this laissez-faire environment, individuals could interact with one another within a community of harmony and ideological equality, following their own popularly elected leaders and governing themselves by shared consensus while minimizing distinctions of wealth and power.

The mercantile economy was also characterized by a peculiar moral stance that is typical of people who live by trade—an attitude that is individualistic, calculating, risk taking, and adaptive to circumstances. As among tribespeople, personal relationships and a careful weighing of character have always been crucial in a mercantile economy with little regulation, where one's word is one's bond and where informal ties of trust cement together an international trade network. Nor have merchants and artisans ever had much tolerance for aristocratic professions of moral superiority, favoring instead an egalitarian ethic of the open market, where steady hard work, the loyalty of one's fellows, and ntrepreneurial skill make all the difference. And, like the pastoralists, Middle Eastern merchants and artisans unhappy with their environment could simply pack up and leave for greener pastures—an act of self-assertion wholly impossible in most other civilizations throughout history.

Dependence on long-distance trade also meant that the great empires of the Middle East were built both literally and figuratively on shifting sand. The central state, though often very rich and very populous, was intrinsically fragile, since the development of new international trade routes could undermine the monetary base and erode state power, as occurred when European seafarers circumvented Middle Eastern merchants after Vasco da Gama's voyage around Africa in the late fifteenth century opened up a southern route. The ecology of the region also permitted armed predators to prowl the surrounding barrens, which were almost impossible for a state to control. Peripheral peoples therefore had a great advantage in their dealings with the center, making government authority insecure and anxious.


1.According to paragraph 1, why has trade been so important throughout the history of the Middle East

A.The rare and valuable metals and stones found in Middle Eastern deserts have always been in high demand in surrounding areas.

B.Growing conditions throughout the Middle East are generally poor, forcing Middle Eastern people to depend on imported grain.

C.Many useful and decorative raw materials cannot be found naturally in the Middle East but are available from neighboring regions.

D.Frequent travel, due to limited water supplies in the Middle East, created many opportunities for trade with neighboring societies.

2.The word “repudiate” in the passage (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to





3.According to paragraph 2, how did Middle Eastern shop owners treat their workers?

A.Workers were ranked according to their skill level, with the most-experienced artisans becoming partial owners of the shop.

B.Shop owners treated different workers differently depending on how much the workers had in common with their masters.

C.Workers were bound to their masters by unbreakable contracts that strictly defined the terms of their partnership.

D.The shop owner worked alongside the workers and often considered them partner and members of the family.

4.The author includes the information that surplus was not a result of domestic craft production but resulted primarily from international trading (in passage 3) in order to

A.support the claim that the mode of production made possible by the craft guilds w very good for trade

B.contrast the economic base of the city government with that of the tribal confederacies

C.provide a reason why the government allowed the guilds to be self-controlled

D.suggest that the government was missing out on a valuable opportunity to tax the guilds

5.According to paragraph 3, all of the following are true of the Middle Eastern craft guilds EXCEPT:

A.The guilds were created to support workers and to uphold principles of high-quality craft production.

B.Each guild was very large and included members from a broad geographic area.

C.The leaders of the guilds were chosen by popular vote.

D.All guild members were treated as equals.

6.The word “consensus” in the passage (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to





7.According to paragraph 4, which of the following was NOT necessary for success in themercantile economy?

A.Good business sense

B.Reliable associates

C.Family wealth

D.Constant effort

8.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 4? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A.Tribes people were comfortable forming personal relationships with merchants, who, like them, were bound by their promises to one another.

B.Because trade was not formally regulated, merchants were careful about whom they trusted and often conducted business with people they knew personally.

C.While trade among merchants relied somewhat on regulation, among tribes people trade was based on personal relationships and careful character evaluation.

D.Because tribes people were bound only by their promises to one another, personal relationships were formed only after careful weighing of character.

9.The word “ethic” in the passage (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to

A.set of moral principles

B.division of labor

C.economic system

D.test of character

10.According to paragraph 4, what choice did Middle Eastern merchants and artisans have that many other people have not had?

A.If they were unhappy in the mercantile environment, they could draw on personal connections to find a different kind of work.

B.They were allowed to assert their opinions without having to listen to aristocratic professions of moral superiority.

C.Following the example of the pastoralists, they could demand, and receive, better working conditions.

D.If they didn't like their environment, they could move somewhere else.

11.The word “intrinsically” in the passage (paragraph 5) is closest in meaning to





12.In paragraph 5, why does the author mention the new trade route opened up by Vasco da Gama's fifteenth century voyage around Africa?

A.To provide evidence that European seafarers took every opportunity to bypass Middle Eastern merchants

B.To present an instance in which Middle Eastern states lost money and power because of their reliance on long-distance trade

C.To argue this new route became necessary when European seafarers wanted to avoid Middle Eastern states whose central power had begun to erode

D.To explain how da Gama helped European traders avoid the dangerous predators prowling the areas surrounding Middle Eastern cities

13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? For one thing, it created a demand for finished goods to be sold both locally and abroad.

Paragraph2: Reliance on trade had several important consequences. ■【A】Production was generally in the hands of skilled individual artisans doing piecework under the tutelage of a master who was also the shop owner. ■【B】In these shops differences of rank were blurred as artisans and masters labored side by side in the same modest establishment, were usually members of the same guild and religious sect, lived in the same neighborhoods, and often had assumed (or real) kinship relationships. ■【C】The worker was bound to the master by a mutual contract that either one could repudiate, and the relationship was conceptualized as one of partnership. ■【D】

14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Since ancient times. reliance on trade has shaped the culture and organizational structure of Middle Eastern societies.

A.Persian and Arabian merchants traveled great distances to sell their finished goods at the marketplaces of ancient Sumeria.

B.Revenue from trade was unevenly distributed, causing Middle Eastern societies to be characterized by growing distinctions in wealth and power.

C.Qualities that were valued in the mercantile economy included individualism, hard work, loyalty, and the willingness to take risks.

D.As production increased, centralized control over production also increased, leading in turn to more-centralized control over fellowship and worship.

E.Crafts were produced by skilled artisans working in close, egalitarian relationships with their masters and other fellow guild members.

F.The stability of Middle Eastern governments was threatened by their lack of control over international trade patterns and over their own peripheral territories.



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