四年级上英语阅读50篇,文档页数: 24
四年级上英语阅读50篇?There are fifty students in our class. 我们班有50个学生。You can see twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls. 你可以看见25个男生和25个女生。There is an American student in our class. 我们班有一个美国学生。Her name is Mary. Her English is very good. 她的名字叫玛丽。那么,四年级上英语阅读50篇?一起来了解一下吧。
1. One day Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White can’t open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and shouts: “What are you doing with my car?”
Kunming ,yunnan
April2nd ,2004
Deareditor (编辑) ,
Iliveinabeautifulcity .Manyvisitorscometomycity .therearesomanycolorfulpeacocks (孔雀)here .
Theyaregivenfoodfreelybyvisitors .Theyusuallythrowfoodtothem ,anddon’tthinkaboutatallwhetherthefoodisrightornot .Someofthepeacocksbecameill ,someevendiedaftereatingthebadfoodgivenbythevisitors.
I’msuremostofthevisitorswhothrowfoodtothepeacocksreallylikethebirds ,butdon’trealize (意识到)thattheymaybedoingthemharm (伤害).
Thevisitorsshouldbetoldthatwhathavedoneisveryharmfultothebirds ,andthiskindofthingmustbestoppedfromhappening .
PerhapswecanbuildsomesmallshopsbesideDongfengSquaretosellpeacockfood .Foruseveryperson ,it’sourdutytogivemorelovetothesebeautifulbirdsandtolookafterthemcarefully.
()6.Manyvisitorscometothewriter’scityto __________.
A.dosomeshopping B.seebeautifulpeacocks
C.threwthemsomebadfoodD. lovedthemandplayedwiththem
()8.SomeshopscanbebuiltbesideDongfengSquaresothattheymay _____________.
C.makethesquaremorebeautiful D.havethebeautifulbirds
()10.Wecanguessthewriteroftheletter, Sun Yan ,maybea _____.
A. visitorB. shopkeeperC.squarekeeperD. student
6-10:B C B C D
EverytownintheUnitedStateshasapostoffice .Someareverysmall ,andyoumayalsofindtheminthecornerofashop .Othersarelargerbuildings .TheyareopenfivedaysaweekandonSaturdaymornings .FromMondaythroughFridaytheyareusuallyopenfrom8:30 to4:30 .
Ifyouknowhowmuchthepostage (邮资)isforyourletter , youcanbuystampsatanywindow. Insomepostofficesyoucanbuystampsfrommachines .Stampsaresoldmanydifferentprices , fromonecent (美分)tomanydollars .Ifyouarenotsurehowmuchpostageisforyouletter ,youmayaskthemanorthewomanin thepostofficeforhelp .heorshewillgiveyouthestampsyouneed .Ifyouaresendingyourletterfaraway ,youshoulduseairmailenvelopes (航空信封) .Rememberthatpostagewillbemoreexpensiveforalettertobesentoutsidethecountry.
Atapostofficeyoucanalsobuypostcards .Apostcardischeaperthanaletter .Usuallythepriceofpostageforapostcardisabouthalfthatofaletter .Thepostcardsthatyoubuyata postofficedonothavepictures .However ,alsotheyarenottobesentoutsidethecountry .
Lettersareaneasyandcheapwaytokeepintouchwithpeopleinmanydifferentcountries .
()11.Thepassagetellusthatwecanfind ________ easilyintheUnited StatesofAmerica.
A. postoffice sB.largebuildings
C.smallshops D.differentbanks
()12.ThepostofficesintheUnited Statesareopen _________.
C.fivehoursaday D.eighthoursaday
()13.Ifyouarenot sure how much postage is for yourletter ,youcan____.
()14.Thepriceofpostagefor ________ismoreexpensive.
()15.Thepassagetellsussomethingabout ________intheUSA
11-15 A D D C A
Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted to steal(偷) the bell on his neighbour’s door, he walked up to the door, took hold of(抓住) the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and went home.
Then he sat down to think, “I must do something about the noise,” he said. He thought and thought. At last he had an idea. “Ah, I’ll put some cotton in my ears. Then I won’t be able to hear the noise.” The next day he went to the door of his neighbour, and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled even harder. The bell rang loudly, but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just then the neighbour came running out.
“Steal my bell? I’ll teach you a lesson(教训),” the angry man shouted. And he hit the thief on the nose.
The foolish thief did not know how the neighbour found out he was stealing the bell. “Why did he come out just then?” he wondered (感到疑惑).
()16. The thief was trying to get .
A. his neighbourB. his neighbour’s doorbell
C. some cottonD. a door with a bell on it
()17. The thief put some cotton in his ears. He thought it would befor him to steal the doorbell.
A. safeB. difficultC. dangerousD. easy
()18. The neighbour ran out probably(很可能) because .
A. he knew his doorbell was being stolen
B. he thought someone was eager (渴望的) to visit him
C. he realized (意识到) something strange happened
D. Both B and C
()19. The neighbour hit the thief to .
A. give him lessons B. punish (惩罚) him for stealing
C. help him with the bell D. be his teacher
()20. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The thief understood why he was hit on the nose.
B. The thief knew why the neighbour came out.
C. The thief thought the neighbour couldn’t hear the noise the bell made.
D. The thief didn’t want to know why the neighbour ran out.
16-20B A D B C
A farmer was put in prison(监狱). One day, he got a letter from his wife.
“I am worried about out farm,” she wrote. “It’s time to plant potatoes ,
but I can’t do all the digging(挖) by myself.”
The farmer thought over and then had an idea. He wrote to his wife,“Don’t dig
the fields. This id where my gold(金子) is. Don’t plant potatoes until I comehome.
A few days later, the farmer got anther letter from his wife. It said, “Two days
ago, about ten prison guards(监狱看守) came to our fields. It looked as if they were looking for something. They have dug our field.”
The farmer wrote to his wife at once. “Now you can plant our potatoes,” he wrote.
()21.The farmer was put in prison________.
A. because he had done something wrong
B. because he had a lot of gold in the fields
C. The writer didn’t say anything about why the farmer was put in prison
D. For nothing
()22.The farmer’s wife was much worried about_____.
A. her husbandB. their farmC. planting potatoesD. herself
()23.The farmer told his wife__first.
A. not to dig the fields B. to dig the fields
C. to ask the prison guards for help D. to find the gold in the fields
()24.Why did the prison guards dig the farmer’s fields ?________.
A. They wanted to help the farmer
B. Their leader ordered them to do so
C. The farmer asked them to do so
D. They wanted to find out the gold
()25.Why did the farmer ask his wife to plant potatoes at once ? Because _____.
A. their fields had been dug
B. the gold was found out
C. the prison guards asked him to do so
D. the prison guards were digging the fields
21—25C B A D A
An owl is a bird with very large eyes. Those eyes make the owl look clever. The owl can not move its eyes freely as people can. It can only look straight ahead (朝前). If it wants to look at both sides, it must turn its neck.
Owls see better at night than during the day. At night they look for food. They eat mice and insects.
Owls make a strange noise because the owls sleep most of the day. They usually give their cries at night. The cry sounds like “Whoo! Whoo!”. This strange sound sometimes frightens people at night.
26. An owl looks clever because it can look straight ahead.
27. An owl looks for food at night because it sees better at night than during the day.
28. An owl lives on all kinds of birds.
29. The cry of an owl is frightening.
30. Man must not kill owls because they are helpful to people.
26-30 B A B A A
Coffee has become the most popular American drink. Today people in the United States drink more coffee thanpeople in any of the other countries. People drink coffee at breakfast, at lunch, at dinner and between meals. They drink hot coffee or coffee with ice in it. They drink it at work and at home. They eat coffee ice-cream and coffee candy. Coffee is black and very strong. Different people like to drink it in different ways. Some people like coffee with cream or sugar in it. Other people like coffee with both cream and sugar in it. In all ways it is served. Coffee has become an international drink.
31. Coffee is an ____________ drink.
A . interesting B. international C. ice-cream D. American
32. Different people like to drink coffee ____________.
A. at work or at home B. in different ways C. with cream or sugar D. between meals
33. Today Americans drink ____________ coffee than people in any of the other countries.
A. as much as B. lessC. moreD. most
34.“Coffee is black and very strong.” The word STRONG here means ____________.
A.坚固的 B.淡的C.清的 D.浓的
35. ____________ is the most popular American drink.
A. Black teaB. CoffeeC. Water with ice D. Whisky
31-35 B B C D B
Computers are useful machines. They can help people a lot in their everyday life. For example, they can help people save much time, and they can help people work out many problems they can’t do easily. Our country asks everyone to learn to use computers except the old people.
Today more and more families own computers. Parents buy computers for their children.
They hope computers can help them improve (提高) their studies in school. Yet many of the children use computers to play games, to watch video or to sing Karaoke, instead of studying. So many teachers and parents complain (抱怨)that computers can not help children to study but make them fall behind. So computers are locked by parents in the boxes.
In some other countries, even some scientists hate computers. They say computers let millions of people lost their jobs or bring them a lot of trouble.
Will computers really bring trouble to people or can they bring people happiness?It will be decided by people themselves.
36. Why do we say the computer is a useful machine? Because _______________.
A. our country asks us to learn it
B. it can help us a lot
C. we can use it to play games
D. it can help us to find jobs
37. What do many teachers and parents complain about? _______________.
A. Their students and children use computers to play games.
B. Computers let them lost their jobs.
C. Computers make the students and children fall behind.
D. Computers bring people a lot of trouble.
38. In this passage we know computers _______________.
A. also bring us trouble
B. bring us happiness only
C. are hated by people
D. are bad for people’s health
39. Can computers really help children to study?_______________.
A. Yes, they can.B. It’s hard to say C. No, they can’t.D. Of course not.
40. How do you understand the last sentence of this passage? I think it means _______.
A. computers are used by people
B. people can live well without computers
C. one must decide how to use computers
D. computers are strange machines
36-40 B C A A C
Once upon a time there lived an old man. He had three sons. One day, he called them together and said, "Sons, I will die soon. To my oldest son I give half my camels, to my second, one-third(三分之一), and to my youngest, one-ninth (九分之一)." Soon after that he died.
Now, the old man had seventeen camels, and the three brothers didn't know how to do as their father said. They thought a long time about the problem, and it seemed that they must either kill some of the camels and cut them into pieces, or disobey their father. At last they went to their father's old friend and asked for his advice. As soon as he heard their story, he said, "I will help you. I was a good friend of your father's. I am old. I have only one camel, but take it-it is yours."
The three sons thanked the old man and took his camel. Now they found it was easy to do as their father wished, The oldest took half- that was nine camels; the second took one-third, that was six; and the youngest took one-ninth, that was two.
After each had got his camels, they found that there was still a camel there. So, to show their thanks to their father's friend, they gave the camel back to him
41. "Once upon a time" means " ________".
A. long long ago B. not very long ago
C. at once D. sometimes
42. The meaning of "disobey" in the second paragraph is" ________".
A. 服从 B. 违背C. 听从 D. 嘲笑
43. The meaning of "asked for his advice" in the second paragraph is " ________".
A. 向他请教 B. 问他数量C. 批评他 D. 劝告他
44. The second old man ________the three brothers.
A. was good toB. was not good to C. didn't like D. cheated(哄骗)
45. Both the two old men in the story were ________.
A. foolishB. cleverC. poor D. rich
41-45 A B A A B
Tom lived by himself a long way from town. He hardly went to town, but one day he went into town to buy a few things. After he bought them, he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. When he looked around, he saw some old people put glasses on before reading their newspapers. So after lunch he decided to go to a shop to buy himself one pair, too. He walked along the road, and soon found a shop.
The man in the shop let him try on a lot of glasses, but Tom always said, "No, I can't read with these."
The man became puzzled (迷惑的) , and he said, "Excuse me, but can you read?"
"No, of course I can't!" Tom said angrily. "If I could read before, do you think I would come here to buy your glasses?"
46. Tom lived ______.
A. with his familyB. near townC. in the country D. in town
47. Tom didn't go to town______.
A. neverB. oftenC. sometimesD. sometime
48. Why did Tom decide to buy a pair of glasses?
A. Because he thought if he bought them, he could read.
B. Because they were very bright.
C. Because they were cheap.
D. Because he could read newspaper.
49. Tom went to the shop to ______.
A. have a restB. have dinner C. wear glasses D. buy a pair of glasses
46-49 C B A D
We know mosquitoes very well. Mosquitoes fly everywhere. They can be found almost all over the world, and there are more than 2,500 kinds of them.
No one likes the mosquito. But the mosquito may decide if she loves you. She? Yes, she. The male mosquito doesn’t bite! Only the female mosquito bites because she needs blood to lay eggs. She is always looking for things or people she wants to bite. If she likes what she finds, she bites. But if she doesn’t like your blood, she will turn to someone else for more delicious blood. Next time a mosquito bites you, just remember you are chosen. You’re different from the others!
If the mosquito likes you, she lands on your body without letting you know. She bites you so quickly and quietly that you may not feel anything different. After she bites, you will have an itch(痒) on your body because she puts something from her mouth together with your blood. When the itch begins, she has flown away.
And then what happens? Well, after her delicious dinner, the mosquito feels tired. She wants to find a place to have a good rest. There, in a tree or on a wall, she begins to lay eggs, hundreds of eggs.
( )51.All the people don’t like mosquitoes.
( )52.All mosquitoes like to bite people for blood.
( )53.If a mosquito wants to bite you, it means she is very tired.
( )54.The mosquito bites you too quickly and quietly to let you know.
( )55.The itch begins after the mosquito flies away.
Do you know why different animals or pests(昆虫) have their special colours? Colours in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves.
Some birds like eating locusts(蝗虫), but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their colours together with the change of the colours of crops(庄稼). When crops are green, locusts look green. But as the harvest (收获)time comes, locusts change to the same brown colour as crops have. Some other pests with different colours from plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night.
If you study the animal life, you’ll find the main use of colouring is to protect themselves. Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They cannot be easily seen by hunters. This is because they have the colours much like the trees.
Have you ever found an even more strange act? A kind of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid(液体) when it faces danger. While the liquid spreads over(散开), its enemies(敌人) cannot find it. And it immediately swims away. So it has lived up to now though it is not strong at all.
( )56.From the passage we learn that locusts________.
A. are small animals
B. are easily found by birds
C. are dangerous to their enemies
D. change their colours to protect themselves
( )57.How can pests with different colours from plants keep out of danger?
A. They run away quickly.
B. They have the colours much like their enemies.
C. They hide themselves by day and appear at night.
D. They have to move quietly.
( )58.Bears and lions can keep safe because________.
A. they have the colours much like the trees
B. they move quietly
C. they like brown and grey colours
D. they live in forests
( )59.Why can the kind of fish live up to now?
A. Because it is very big and strong.
Because the liquid it sends out can help it escape from its enemies.
B. Because the liquid it sends out can kill its enemies.
C. Because it swims faster than any other fish.
( )60.Which is the best title for this passage?
A. The Change of Colours for Animals and Pests.
B. Colours of Different Animals and pests.
C. The Main Use of Colours for Animals and Pests.
D. Some Animals and Pests.
56-60D C A B C
My Room
This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers in a vase, a ruler and a pen. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above the end of my bed. I usually put my shoe under my bed. Of course there is a chair in front of the desk. I sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside.
这是我的房间。 在窗口附近有一张书桌。 我经常在那做我的家庭作业。 您能看有些书,有些花在花瓶里,一把格尺和笔。 在墙壁在书桌有猫的图片。 有一个时钟在我的床上的末端。 我通常把我的鞋子放在我的床下。 当然有一把椅子在书桌前面。
阅读能力是反映语言能力的重要标志之一。不管所教的对象是英语专业的学生还是非英语专业的学生 ,培养学生阅读能力都是英语教学的主要内容。下面是我带来的关于旅游的英语美文阅读,欢迎阅读!
Scotland is a unique and austere place, laden with history, where you can find aristocratic palaces and castles, as well as the traditional parades in national costumes. It has some of the most beautiful cities in Europe, a living testimony of a proud and splendid past.
In order to see and discover the true soul of Scotland today, what forged the character of this splendid region, we have to go towards the northern regions, to the Grampian Mountains. Beautiful and unspoiled, it was difficult to farm. The Scots subdued the environment with simple spades and strong arms.
The history of this ancient struggle, and its people's ancient love affair with the hard land, is enclosed within the walls of the Angus Folk Museum. You are able to get a feel of the typical rural atmosphere of times past from the everyday artifacts displayed here.
From coastal Aberdeen in towards the interior of the Grampian Mountains there runs the Castle Trail, a road that touches on many fortresses, which are witnesses of continual revolts against the dominion of neighboring England in Scottish history.
Perhaps the most uplifting moment for Scottish autonomy is the one experienced inside this ancient abbey of Arbroath, where, in 1320; the Declaration of Independence was celebrated, at the instigation of King Robert the Bruce. He carried out the plan for autonomy drawn up by the great popular hero William Wallace, to whom cinema has dedicated the wonderful film "Braveheart", the winner of five Oscars.
This is Glamis Castle. It is often remembered for being the residence of King Macbeth and Queen Elizabeth in her childhood. Among the most assiduous guests here are the inevitable ghosts, which are nourished, if not actually created, by ancient popular beliefs. These have been handed down over the centuries by a people inclined to live with mystery, with the forces of the supernatural.
Another attraction here is a legendary monster: the Loch Ness Monster. Is it real or imaginary, this monster, which has been nicknamed Nessie, has collected a good 3000 sightings over the last 50 years? To fuel the debate about the monster, and perhaps also curiosity about the lake, a price of 500,000 pounds sterling has been put on Nessie's head.
The true flag of Scotland, tartan, is recognisable from the brightly coloured plaid patterns which are used to distinguish the various clans. Over the last few decades this fabric has made a comeback and is part of the daily life of this country.
The typical Scottish garment, the kilt, is de rigeur when the Scots play the Great Highland bagpipes, especially when they march in parades.
Bagpipes and dancing open the competitions of local sporting events, which are called Highland Gatherings. The games, which have strange rules, involve a spirit that has more to do with brute force than with athletics.
1. I am a Chinese girl. My name is Li Hua. I'm in No.6 Middle School. I'm in Class 4. My English teacher is Mr Zhang. My Chinese teacher is Mrs Liu. They are good teachers. I like them. I have a good friend. His name is Jack. He is an American boy. He is fifteen. He is in my school, too. But he is in Class 3, Grade (年级)1. Mrs Liu is his Chinese teacher, too. Jack likes her, too.
(T) 1 Li Hua and Jack are Good friends.
(F) 2 They are in the same class.
(T) 3 Their Chinese teacher is a woman.
(T) 4 They both like their Chinese teacher.
(F) 5 Jack is American and Li Hua is Japanese.
2. It's fine today. The sun is in the sky. Mr Green and his family are in the park. Mr and Mrs Green are standing under the trees and look at their children. Ann is flying a kite. The boy in a white shirt and blue trousers is her brother. He's reading a book . Ann's younger brother is too young. He can't walk and run. He's drinking milk. Ann's sister isn't in the park. She is at school.
以上就是四年级上英语阅读50篇的全部内容,the sea. We can swim and visit a lot of beautiful places.海 你对海知道些什么? 某些人知道关于它,但其他不。 海看起来美丽在一个美好的晴天,海是非常大的。 在世界上,比土地有更多海。 您是否知道海南岛? 那非常好。 我们能看海滩、树和海。 我们可以游泳和参观很多美好的地方。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。