
阅读能力 2024-07-04 16:03:48 159

提高阅读能力英语?Good luck! 译文: 英语现在越来越重要了,但是对于许多同学来言却很难学好它。现在我提几条建议,也许能够帮助你。 首先,你应该在小纸条上多记笔记而且随身携带,当你有空的时候,你就可以拿出来读一读。其次,你应该大声读英语。许多同学懂得很多语法,却很难和别人交谈。所以读英语是非常重要的。那么,提高阅读能力英语?一起来了解一下吧。


How to Improve the English Reading Skill?As is known to us all,English is of great use in communication,and reading is one important part of English learning.


How to improve the English reading comprehension

English learning, including listening, speaking, reading and writing various skills training, one of the most basic should be reading ability. Now in the English exam, reading ability demanding. Read the questions in the exam scores, and has a large proportion of the score, often determines how many students grades. English reading content involves a wider range of history, about the reality of life, the article, also have the narrative of economy, science and technology, military, etc, this paper has compared to read the contents of the students interest and widely knowledge, strong ability to understand the analysis judgment. Can say, reading comprehension of improving students' comprehensive capability is one of the process, and to improve the students' English reading ability, it is not easy to find, to influence students reading comprehension.Based on the survey found that students are students, these influence factors of reading comprehension:1 the vocabulary of words, not fully understood, not exactly.2 the lack of knowledge background, affect the whole text.3 the thinking mode of expression in English and sentence structure, not familiar with this understanding of difficulty.4 bad reading habits, which affect the reading speed and the accuracy of the information access interfere with students.5. Lack basic reading skills, reading the effect not beautiful.Find the influence factors of the students' reading ability, should take measures to strengthen special training, to improve the students' reading ability.





How to improve the English reading comprehension

English learning, including listening, speaking, reading and writing various skills training, one of the most basic should be reading ability. Now in the English exam, reading ability demanding. Read the questions in the exam scores, and has a large proportion of the score, often determines how many students grades. English reading content involves a wider range of history, about the reality of life, the article, also have the narrative of economy, science and technology, military, etc, this paper has compared to read the contents of the students interest and widely knowledge, strong ability to understand the analysis judgment. Can say, reading comprehension of improving students comprehensive capability is one of the process, and to improve the students English reading ability, it is not easy to find, to influence students reading comprehension.Based on the survey found that students are students, these influence factors of reading comprehension:1 the vocabulary of words, not fully understood, not exactly.2 the lack of knowledge background, affect the whole text.3 the thinking mode of expression in English and sentence structure, not familiar with this understanding of difficulty.4 bad reading habits, which affect the reading speed and the accuracy of the information access interfere with students.5. Lack basic reading skills, reading the effect not beautiful.Find the influence factors of the students reading ability, should take measures to strengthen special training, to improve the students reading ability.



If you want to improve you reading ability,the most important thing you need to do is to read more.you must throw yourself into an environment where english is everywhere.secondly you need to distinguish the intensive reading(精读)and the extensive reading(泛读).

in a word,you must read more and form a habit of reading english everyday,no matter english papers or books.

wish you can achieve your goal..


To be a better reader,I believe there are two basic ways through which I can improve my reading skills.The first one is fast reading ,the otheris intensive reading. fast reading is a important and neccessary method we use in reading newspapers and examinations. It helps to build a language sense because we focus in the arrangement of the sentences and the whole passage.Facts show that it is a must for us to be fluent and native in English.Intensive reading,in contrast,helps us to better understand the meaning and structure of a particular phrase or sentence. The method is mostly used in reading literature works.



In the modern age of information, reading truly is a fundamental survival skill. Here are ten tips that anyone can use to improve their reading skills:

1. You don't have to be a great reader to get the point.

Some people read fast and remember everything. Others read slowly and take a couple of times to get all the information. It doesn't matter, really, so long as when you read, you get the information you're seeking.

2. Know WHY you're reading.

Are you reading for entertainment or to learn something? Decide why you're reading before you start and you'll greatly improve your comprehension and your enjoyment.

3. You don't need to read everything.

Not every magazine, letter, and email you receive contains information you need. In fact, most of it is simply junk. Throw it away, hit the delete key! Just doing this will double the amount of time you have available to read.

4. You don't need to read all of what you DO read.

Do you read every article of every magazine, every chapter of every book? If so, you're probably spending a lot of time reading stuff you don't need.

Be choosy: select the chapters and articles that are important. Ignore the rest.

5. Scan before you read.

Look at the table of contents, index, topic headers, photo captions, etc. These will help you determine if, a) you have a real interest in this reading, and b) what information you're likely to get from it.

6. Prioritize your reading.

You can't read everything all at once (and wouldn't want to). If it's important, read it now. If it's not, let it wait.

7. Optimize your reading environment.

You'll read faster and comprehend more if you read in an environment that's comfortable for you.

8. Once you start, don't stop!

Read each item straight through. If you finish and have questions, go back and re-read the pertinent sections. If you don't have questions, you got what you needed and are ready to move on.

9. Focus.

Remember, you're reading with a purpose, so focus on that purpose and the material. If you lose interest or keep losing your place, take a break or read something else. You can keep track of where you are by following along with your hand. This simple technique helps you focus and increase your concentration.

10. Practice!

The more you read, the better reader you'll become (and smarter, too)! So, feed your mind: read!

