
思考能力 2024-05-21 08:44:47 115



how to keep a good relationship with parents翻译为:如何与父母保持良好的关系


1, take the initiative to communicate. A chat with their parents more at ordinary times in the school thing the puzzle, and the study on and parents about the psychological words, let parents understand children's inner thoughts.

2, the perspective-taking. Don't easily to talk back to parents, stand in the perspective of parents, more considerate of parents' mood and difficulty.

3, respect, understanding. Have something to go out, should take the initiative to contact parents, so that parents worry, want to listen to parents' point of view, but also put forward their views. When differences of opinion, both sides should calm thinking over the cause and the solution countermeasure. To seek common ground while shelving differences communication results.

4, more tolerance. He doesn't have to haggle over every ounce, because their parents is the person who loves us, is our favorite people.

5, there is wrong. Not conceal their mistakes, let parents help us to correct our mistakes, parents are our best friends.

6, take the initiative to help. Help parents do some force and make them happy.




Do not worry

Your parents ask you, who care about you, you can empathy that, if you are a father or mother, you will not care about your own daughter or son? Impossible! You can also think so, they for? Definitely not want you to become very bad now! I think just being contrary, they only want you to get better to ask, if they are not your parents, that they bother to ask mi! Pipe are you doing?

You do not have to worry, as long as you take the initiative to talk with their parents, you learn to get better, that your parents do not have to worry about more, more peace of mind it!






Empathy for the carrier, to enhance students' confidence in the learning process, students' ability to overcome the difficulties are not identical, some students with a strong will to overcome the difficulties in learning, some students isweak, lack of confidence in the face of difficulties and failures. Teachers should encounter failures and difficultiesin students, students from the perspective of transposition thinking, be good at through the practice of cultivating students' strong will, as the students applauded, help students to build up to overcome the difficulties, in the face of failure of confidence. Teacher wants his students to get good grades in the game, but not "Ever-victorious general"world, when students have failed in the game, if the teacherto the students in the applied pressure, not satisfied with the performance of the students, enthusiasm will hit the students. At this time, empathy, teachers need to students,teachers need to encourage and assist, valuable requires teachers to appreciate students failed in the show.

Empathy as a way to reduce the learning pressure, the psychological development of students have a certain degree of stability and changeability, students grasp thebreadth and depth of knowledge is step by step, when thepsychological development of students and teachers inteaching requirements conflict, teachers' teaching requirements beyond the level of psychological development of students, will be on the students' psychological, emotional cause certain pressure, especially those who study the temporary difficulties students,psychological pressure is bigger. When students are afraid of parents to sign the papers, the teacher should try to think: if I exam is not good will not be afraid of parents know that after the criticism? The papers will not hide not letparents see? Will there be pressure? Through empathy,teachers can understand students' mood, the result is not ideal does have certain ideological pressure, simply to urge students to seriously study is not scientific by parents to sign, the home school contact way is not ideal, therefore,teachers should carry out individual counseling on the special circumstances of the students, in order to obtain"decompression" education effect.







我们应不应该出国留学 Should We Go Abroad for Study or Not?

After the college entrance examination or college graduation, some students will choose to go abroad to for further study. For this behavior, some people support it and some against it. In fact, going abroad not only needs a lot of money but also requires the students have a good foundation of English. If the students have the condition to study abroad, I suggest they choose to go. After all, knowledge is no boundary and the more they learn the better they will be. But the students who are not having those conditions, I don’t think they should go abroad, because the stress for them is too large. No matter domain education or abroad education can educate them well. Besides, maybe they still need to consider their own character situation. In a word, whether a person should go abroad or not depends on their own situation.



Why doesn't mom trust me? Why doesn't she stop nagging? Why doesn't dad lend me his laptop? Why wouldn't he stop interrogating me where I had been? How can I learn to trust if I have never been trusted?

Every teenager has more or less experienced these emotional conflicts and frustration when it comes to family issues. The generation gap seems larger than ever, especially in today's liberated society. We think that we are grown up, that we are mature enough to ignore mom's nagging. But is that true anyway?

When giving advice to their children, parents always mean well. Their worries and doubts are not based on distrust. They give suggestions based on their experience and selfless love, which is why they never give up on us even when we give them the cold shoulder.

It takes years for some to realize that their fights with their parents, after all, are meaningless. But we all have the chance to avoid such remorse. Sit down and have a talk with our parents, and tell them what we think. We always have the chance and the ability to communicate

以上就是换位思考英语作文的全部内容,2、换位思考。不要动不动就和父母顶嘴,多站在父母的角度思考,体谅父母的心情和难处。3、尊重理解。 有事外出,应主动与父母联系,免得父母担心,要多听听父母的观点,同时也要提出自己的观点。当观点发生分歧时,双方要冷静思考产生分歧的原因及解决的对策。达到求同存异的沟通结果。4、多些宽容。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
