
理解能力 2024-04-01 19:46:48 233

会计专业英语名词及解释50个?1、translation exposure 换算风险 2、transaction exposure 交易风险 3、economic exposure 经济风险 4、convenience statement 适宜报表 5、secondary statement 次要报表 6、那么,会计专业英语名词及解释50个?一起来了解一下吧。





Accounting Assistant 会计助理

Accounting Clerk 会计文员

Accounting Manager 会计经理

Accounting Payable Clerk 应付帐款文员

Accounts Receivable Clerk 应收帐款文员

Actuarial Anaylst 保险分析员

Assistant Portfolio Manager 组合基金经理助理

Audit Manager 审计经理

Auditor 审计师

Bank Administrator 银行事务管理员

Bank Clerk 银行出纳

Bank Treasurer 资金调拨

Billing Clerk 票据文员

Billing Supervisor 票据管理员

Bookkeeper 档案管理

Bookkeeping Clerk 档案管理助理

Budget Analyst 预算分析

Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师

Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官

Collections Officer 收款负责人 Credit Analyst 信用分析

Credit Manager 信用管理经理

Financial Analyst 财务分析

Financial Consultant 财务顾问

Financial Manager 财务经理

Financial Planner 财务计划员

Insurance Underwriter 保险承销商

Junior Accountant 初级会计

Loan Administrator 贷款管理员

Loan Servicer 贷款服务

Management Accountant 管理会计

Mortgage Underwriter 抵抻保险员

Payroll Manager 工资经理

Senior Accoutant 高级会计

Staff Auditor 审计员

Stock Broker 股票经纪人

Tax Accountant 税务会计

Tax Inspector 税务检查员

Vice-President of Finance 财务副总裁

Vice-President of Administration and Finance 财务行政副总裁


AGM 年度股东大会

Annual General Meeting的缩写,指在财政年度结束后不久邀请股东就公司的年度报告、财务报表和年终估息等事宜进行表决而召开的大会。







1、He was satisfied with his earnings as an accountant.


2、Hiring a great accountant or CFO will cost you, but it will help you make money in the long run.


3、A good accountant can analyze an unprofitable operation quickly.



going concern:In the absence of evidence to the contrary,a business is assumed to have an indefinite life and will not be sold or liquidated.

owner's equity:equity is the residual interest in the assets of an entity that remains after deducting tis liabilities.

perpetual inventory:a method of controlling stock in which the movement of each item is recorded,so that the firm always knows the numbers and value of stock remaining in each of its warehouses.

double entry system:a system of recording accounts where each sale or purchase is shown as having an effect on both the DEBIT COLUMN and the CREDIT COLUMN of an account.

income summary account :the account that presents financial performance by matching revenue and expenses to arrive at a profit over a period of time.

accrual system:under the accrual system,the effects of transaction and other events are recognised when they occur(and not as cash or its equivalent is received or paid) and they are recorded in the accounting records and reported in the financial statements of the periods to which they relate.



1.conservatism 稳健主义 或 稳健性

2.going concern assumption 持续经营假设

3.source document 原始凭证

4.owner's equity 资产净值 或所有者权益

5.perpetual inventory system 永续盘存制

6.income summary account 收益汇总帐户

7.accrual system 权责发生制

8.double entry system 复式会计制度

9.adjusting procedure 调整程序




business名词n.1. 生意,交易;商业;营业;行业[U][C] Mr. Jones is in the business of selling cars.琼斯先生从事汽车销售。How is business?生意如何? 2. 商店;商行;公司;企业[C] She started a new business in Phoenix not long ago.不久前她在凤凰城新开了一家公司。account form 账户式,账式 注册会计师英语加试实用资料大全二(会计英语... 46account form 账户式,账式 business entity concept 企业 单位等经营实体的概念transaction名词 n.1. 办理,处置,执行[the S] He attends to the transaction of important business himself.他亲自料理重要的生意。 2. 交易;业务;买卖[C] A record is kept of all the firm's transactions.公司的一切交易都有记载。


以上就是会计专业英语名词及解释50个的全部内容,accountant [英][əˈkaʊntənt][美][əˈkaʊntənt]n.会计人员,会计师;复数:accountants形近词:accounting 例句:1、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
