
思考能力 2024-03-24 13:24:31 300

思考汉译英?2、discover(谐音:帝思考我)英 [dɪˈskʌvə(r)] 美 [dɪˈskʌvər]v. (第一个)发现;(出乎意料地)找到;发觉;了解到;认识到;查明 英语翻译技巧:第一、那么,思考汉译英?一起来了解一下吧。


直译为“我思考,所以我存在”: i think so i live

意思是"当我怀疑一切事物的存在时,我却不用怀疑我本身的思想,因为此时我唯一可以确定的事就是我自己思想的存在"(http://www.hudong.com/wiki/%E6%88%91%E6%80%9D%E6%95%85%E6%88%91%E5%9C%A8): as i doubt the exitences of everything, i do not wonder my own thought since i can make sure the only thing at this moment that i have a exited thought.

思考 翻译

(1)Brief analysis for the content and meanings of the writing...


(2)the chief source of the author while writing ...


(3)The thematic meanings of the novel..


(4)Thought and philosophy issues that are incarnated in novel..


(5)It is said that we should build up a correct life goal...


(6)Meanwhile,it also incarnates the significance and necessity of building up a correct life goal.


(7)The conflicts between life ideal and reality...


(8)In this novel,the dramatis personae went through variety of hardship and conflicts,and that,those hardship and conflicts are also exist in real life.There are so many life issues that worthy of thought...



1.my reason is that I want to be independent.

2.that's what I am thinking of when you are coming in.

3.he's idea is that he will be responsible for this job.

4.Nowadays China is not the one as before.

5.that's why he was late.

6.have you heard of the news that she failed in the English exam again?

7.I don't know he has already agreed upon this project.

8.the fact that he has passed the driving test surprises us so much.

9.he gave me a piece of news that the price of computer will be dropped down.

10.what have to be done must be done well. I promise.



1.My reason is that I wana be independent.

2.That is what I was thinking about when you came in.

3.What he means is that this job should be under his care.

4.China changed a lot :)

5.This is why he comes late.

6.Have you ever heard of that she failed the exam again?

7.I don't know he has already agree to this proposal.

8.The fact that he has already passed the driving test shocked all of us.

9.He tell me that the computer price will be decrease.:(

10.Something needs be done must be done well,I won't ate my words.

小弟不才啊 这个外语学院是白上了55555~~高手赐教啊~~谢谢


1. Brief analysis work content and meaning

2. Author's writing main source

3. Novel subject meaning

4. In the novel manifests philosophy of life question and ponder

5. The life should set up the correct life goal

6. At the same time, also manifested set up the correct life goal the importance and the necessity.

7. Between life ideal and reality contradiction

8. In the novel, leading character's life experience is contradictory layer on layer. But in real life, also truly exists too many about to the life question ponder.

以上就是思考汉译英的全部内容,much thinking yields wisdom的意思是:俗话说,“眉头一皱,计上心来。”换句话说,多想出智慧。2:不要老是把别人想得很坏的英文是:Don't always put others want it bad.希望你能采纳,祝你学习进步!!!内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
