
理解能力 2024-01-03 17:44:28 472

我理解错了英文怎么说?my feet hurts for so long a journey.我误会了、我理解错了 I mis-understand it.我19岁时开始做证券到现在、那么,我理解错了英文怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。


你学英文多少年了 How many years have you been learning English?

你学英文多长时间了 How long have you been learning English?

你工作了吗、什么工作 Do you have a job? What kind of job?

我喜欢环游世界 I like to travel the world.

你最喜欢的国家是哪个国家、最喜欢它什么 Which country is your favorite country? What do you like the best?

我去年11月10号去过澳大利亚、玩了5天、时间很紧、脚都走痛了 I went to Australia last year at November tenth. Time is limited, I only stayed for five days and my feet hurt so much becuase of the walking.

我误会了、我理解错了 I misunderstand it. I take it wrong.

我19岁时开始做证券到现在、盈利还不错 When I was 19 year old, I started on secrutities, and the profit is pretty good.

为什么你的头发是黑色的? Why your hair is black?


I got it wrong.

I had it wrong.

I misunderstood it.误解

I misinterpreted it.曲解


你学英文多少年了,How many years have you been learning English.

你学英文多长时间了, How long have you been learning English.

你工作了吗、什么工作, Do you work or not? What's you job?

我喜欢环游世界, I like going around the world.


Which is your favorite nation? What do you like it best?


I went to Australia on Nov. 10th last year, and stayed for 5 days, as time limited, my feet hurts for so long a journey.


I mis-understand it.


I begined to invest on securities at the age of 19, and the money is good.


Did I misunderstand him?

Did I have a misunderstanding of him?


feel shy,just as wrong,if have sinned against,a lot of understanding.

以上就是我理解错了英文怎么说的全部内容,字面的意思我懂了,但是可以说我并不能理解这个问题。I'd understood the words, but I didn't, as it were, understand the question.我承认那些想法中有很多远远超出了我的理解力。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
