
理解能力 2023-12-31 11:10:05 154

让我们相互认识一下吧英语?让我看一下的英语是Let me see。Let me see是let引导的祈使句。表示“建议”,”意见“,语气比较委婉,比直接的祈使句客气。这个句型里的"let"后头要紧跟着一个第一人称的代词宾语。那么,让我们相互认识一下吧英语?一起来了解一下吧。


get to know

郑重一点可以说 I wish I could have the opportunity to get to know him.

或者 I wish I could get to know him.


I'd like to get to know you 或 I want to get to know you



[网络] Let me see one;


May I see your airplane ticket, passport and health certificate, please?

感谢让我认识了很多朋友 英语

This is our first english class,so let's introduce each other


1.Can we know each other?

2.How about making friends with me ?

3.What do you think of me as your friend?

4.Shall we keep in touch?

5.May I have the honor of your friendship?

6.Can/ Will we be friends?

7.Could you provide me with friendship?

8.Do you like friending ?

以上就是让我们相互认识一下吧英语的全部内容,2. Let's stay together! 让我们待在一起!3. Let's follow me! 跟我走吧!4. To be with me! 跟我一起!5. Let me stay beside you. 让我待在你身边。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
