
阅读能力 2023-11-17 19:46:04 353

九年级组合阅读答案英语2019?第一篇:答案及解析 1.A.此题是一道细节题,文章第一自然段的前三个句子就告诉了此题的答案。 2.B.文中有这样的句子"Who can it be at this time of night?",此句说明Mr. Lee 很想知道是谁在午夜时来敲门。那么,九年级组合阅读答案英语2019?一起来了解一下吧。





In England, people often talk about the weather because they can experience (经历) four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later black clouds come and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be sunny, the sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer at this time of a day.

In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes they should take warm clothes.

When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella (伞)or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them.

If you don't take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret (后悔) later in the day.

1. Why do people in England often talk about the weather?

A. Because they may have four seasons in one day

B. Because they often have very good weather

C. Because the weather is warm just like in spring

D. Because the sky is sunny all day

2. From the story we know that when _________come, there is a heavy rain.

A. sunshine and snow B. black clouds

C. summer and winter D. spring and autumn

3. "People can also have summer in winter." Means "it is sometimes too ______in winter."

A. warm B. cool C. cold D. rainy

4. In the sunny morning some English people usually take a raincoat or an umbrella with them because ________.

A. their friends ask them to do so B. it often rains in England

C. they are going to sell them D. they are their favourite things

5. The best title (标题)for this passage is ________.

A. Bad Seasons B. Summer or Winter

C. The Weather in England D. Strange English People


Mr Brown was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, "if anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea."

"OK, Dad," said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn't remember this, he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it every now and then.

Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that there was no man to come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt it that evening.

The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, "Where is your father?" The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He could not find it. He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, "No more."

The man was very surprised. He asked, "No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?"

"Burnt yesterday evening."

1. Mr Brown told his son that _____.

A. he would be away from home for four days

B. he would be back in seven days

C. he would be back in a month

D. he liked a cup of tea

2. Mr Brown wrote the words down on ________.

A. the wall B. the door

C. a piece of paper D. his son's pocket

3. A man came to visit the boy's father on ________.

A. the second day B. the third day C. the fourth day D. the fifth day

4. The man was very surprised because _________.

A. he thought the child's father was dead

B. the child didn't ask him to sit down

C. the child gave him a cup of tea

D. he couldn't find that piece of paper

5. What was burnt? ___________.

A. The piece of paper B. Mr Smith C. The visitor D. The boy







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九年级阅读理解 4

Tom walked into a shop . It bad a sign outside : "Second-hand (旧的) clothes bought and sold . "He was carrying an old pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop, "How much will you give me for these?" The man looked at them and then said: "Two dollars."

"What !" said Tom. "I had guessed they were worth at least five dollars."

"No," said the man, "they aren't worth a cent more than two dollars."

"Well," said Tom, taking two dollars out of his pocket. "Here's your money. These trousers were hanging outside your shop. The list price (标价)of them was six dollars and a half. But I hought that was too much money, so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth."

Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers and disappeared before the shop owner could think of anything to say .

1. At first the owner of the shop thought that Tom __________ .

A. wanted to steal the trousers B. wanted to sell the trousers C. wanted to fool him D. wanted to buy the trousers

2. The owner of the shop_______ for the old trousers .

A. would give Tom two dollars B. would pay three dollars C. would pay five dollars D. would give Tom six dollars and a half

3. The shop owner insisted that the trousers were worth only two dollars because ____ .

A. he wanted to sell them cheaply (廉价地) B. he wanted to buy them cheaply C. he didn't like the trousers D. they were old and dirty

4. In fact, the trousers _________.

A. were hanging inside the shop B. were stolen by Tom from the shop C. had been the shop owner's D. had been Tom's

5. From the story we know that _________ cheaper than the list price.

A. the owner sold the trousers two dollars B. Tom sold the trousers one dollar and a half

C. the owner bought the trousers three dollars D. Tom bought the trousers four dollars and a half

参考答案 答案及解析:

1.B.Tom拿着一条裤子并且问:“How much will you give me for these?”店主所以认为Tom是来卖裤子的,故答案是B。





Mr. Lee was in bed and was trying to go to sleep when he heard the bell ring. He turned on the light and looked at his clock. It was twelve o'clock. "Who can it be at this time of night?" He thought. He decided to go and find out. So he got of bed, put on his dressing gown (浴袍) and went to the door. When he opened the door, there was nobody there. "That is very strange." Then he went back to his bedroom, took off his dressing gown, got back into bed ,turned off the light and tried to go to sleep.

A few minutes later he heard the bell again. Mr. Lee jumped out of bed very quickly and rushed to the door. He opened it, but again he found no one there. He closed the door and tried not to feel angry. Then he saw a piece of paper on the floor. He picked it up. There were some words on it : "It is now after midnight(午夜), so it is April Fool's Day (禺人节) . April fool to you!"

"Oh , it was the English boy next door!" Mr. Lee exclaimed (惊叫) and almost smiled. He went back to bed and feel asleep at once. The bell did not ring again.

1. When did Mr. Lee go to bed? He went to bed _______. A. before twelve o'clock C. when the bell rang B. after twelve o'clock D. when he saw the boy 2. Why did he rush to the door when he heard the bell ring the second time? A. He wanted to open the door for the visitor B. He wanted to find out who the visitor was. C. He was afraid of the ring

D. He was waiting for someone. 3. From this passage, we learn that we can _______ on April Fool's Day. A. say "Hello" to each other C. play jokes on each other

He thought he _________. A. was a good boy C. shouldn't ring the bell at midnight B. was friendly with him


D. did a dangerous thing just now B. dance and sing at night D. send pressents to children 4. What did Mr. Lee think about the English boy? 参考答案 :答案及解析:


2.B.文中有这样的句子“Who can it be at this time of night?”,此句说明Mr. Lee 很想知道是谁在午夜时来敲门。



【能力选练】 A


You can not see any object unless light from that object gets into your eyes. Some of the things you see give off light of their own. The sun, the stars, a lighted lamp are examples that can be seen by their own light. Such things are luminous. Most of the things you see are not giving off light of their own. They are simply reflecting light that falls on them from the sun or some other luminous bodies. The moon, for example, does not give off any light of its own. It is non-luminous. You see it because sunlight falls on it and some of it reflects in our direction. So moon light is only second hand sunlight.

When you look at a book, it sends to your eyes some of the light which falls on it, and you see the book. If light could be kept out from where you are so that there would be no light for the book to reflect, then you could not see the book even with your eyes wide open.

Light travels so fast that the time in which it travels from the book you are reading to your eyes is so short as if there were no time at all. Light reaches us from the moon, which is about 380 000 kilometers away, in only a little more than a second.

1. You can see the book because_______.

A. your eyes are close to it B. it reflects some of the sunlight

C. it has light of its own D. your eyesight can get to it

2. The underlined word "luminous" means_______.

A. visible B. all colors C. giving off light D. sunlight

3. Light traces about _________ kilometers per second.

A. 380 000 B. 300 000 C. 400 000 D. 190 000

4. Which of the following is true?

A. The moment you open your eyes the light from the book travels to your eyes.

B. Light from the book is much shorter than that from the moon.

C. All the things you can see give off light.

D. Light travels so fast that there is no time for you to read.

5. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. You can see and read a book because you open your eyes.

B. Some objects are luminous, some not.

C. You can see things because of light.

D. Light travels very fast so you cannot notice it.

参考答案BCBA C

【能力选练】 B

1. If you work as a driver in the restaurant, you may ______.

A. never pay for meals B. pay a little for meals

C. work on weekends D. work in the afternoon

2. If you buy the house, you ______.

A. may pay more than ¥150, 000 for it B. must have breakfast in the kitchen

C. have to take a bath in the public bathroomD. may live on the south side of the city

3. Any customer with a Tianjin Daily of June 1, 2005 will get a small present from ______.

A. every supermarketB. Huanghe Road

C. Tianjin DailyD. Yingbin Supermarket

4. When will the concert be?

A. Julu1, 2005B. June 8, 2005

C. July 3, 2005D. June 25, 2005

5. If two adults and two students want to go to the concert, the tickets will cost RMB______.

A. 220 yuanB. 440 yuan C. 270 yuanD. 370 yuan


1. A 细节题。

