
阅读能力 2023-11-05 11:47:11 252

典范英语10在线阅读?第十本第一章 女孩很喜欢自己的水母鞋 但是她讨厌水母 男孩给他说水母鞋是水母做得 第二章 女孩很讨厌 就把鞋扔了 第三章女孩梦到有人去找水母,第二天早上母亲送她一双水母鞋 他没要,那么,典范英语10在线阅读?一起来了解一下吧。





链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1k6Wvxx3drS0gKJe6wbupnA






Last Chinese New Year. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to changbaishan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,my shoes broke. Dad said to me,“tingting, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept these shoes。





Laura had some new jelly shoes.

She was really proud of them. They were pink and see-through like

raspberry jelly.

She ran down to the beach in them. Wherever she walked, they left

little tracks in the sand.

Like this:

'Look, Scott,’ Laura called to her brother


'My new jelly shoes are

leaving stars in the sand.'

Squidge. Laura trod in something slippery. She lifted up her shoe



she said. 'What's that mess?'

'It's only a jellyfish,’ said Scott. 'The sea washes them up on the


'Well, I don't like it,’ said Laura


'It looks like a jelly cow-pat.'

Slosh. The sea washed up some more jellyfish. Pink ones this time.

They spread out in pink puddles on the sand.

'Watch out,’ said Scott. 'Jellyfish can give you a nasty sting.'


cried Laura. 'There are loads of them! And, phew, what a

pong! I hate them. They'll spoil my new jelly shoes!'

Scott looked at the jellyfish on the sand


He looked at Laura's new

shoes. An idea popped into his head.


I don


t know why you hate jellyfish,' said Scott. 'What do you think

your new shoes are made of?'

Laura looked down at her shoes. They were see-through and pink.

The jellyfish on the beach were see-through and pink too.

'Don't be silly,' she told Scott. But her voice was shaky.


'I thought you knew,’ said Scott. 'Don't you know what happens to

all these washed-up jellyfish?'

Laura shook her head.

'I'll tell you what happens,’ said Scott, who was good at stories.




workers come round


They come round at night with bin bags. And

they shovel all the jellyfish into the bags. And they take them away


the Jelly Shoe Factory.'

He went on,


And they make them into shoes. Just like the ones

you've got on


I thought everyone knew that!'

Laura looked down at her new shoes.

'I don't think I like my new shoes any more,' she said.

Then she tore them off.


she said. 'I don't want pongy jellyfish shoes that sting mel'

She threw them into the


. They

didn't sink. Jellyfish shoes don't



just bobbed about on the









from the shore






, waving them goodbye.

Then she tiptoed back to the house in her bare feet.


That night Laura dreamed about the jellyfish workers


She dreamed

they crept along the beach with bin bags in their hands. They bent



shovelled up jellyfish. Soon they had whole shivering

sackfuls of them. Flies were buzzing all around them.


no!' cried Laura, waking up. 'The jelly workers are coming!


But it was all right


She was safe in her own bed


'It was just a bad

dream,' she told herself.


down on


dark beach, something was moving. Something

was bobbing about on the waves


It was Laura's jellyfish shoes. They were coming back home.



they washed in on the wave tops until at last a big wave

washed them up on the sand. Neatly side by side.


What a bit of good luck!' said Mum the next morning


‘Guess what I

just found on the beach?’


Don't know,' said Laura


Mum held up the jellyfish shoes. 'These! I bet you didn't even know

you'd lost them.'

Mum tipped up one of the shoes. A winkle fell out of the toe.

'Here you are,' she said, handing the shoes to Laura. 'You can put

them back on now.'

Laura pushed the shoes away: 'I won't put them back on!' she

shouted. You can't make me!'

Mum stared at her. 'What on earth is the matter? I thought you'd be

pleased to get them back.'

'I don't want them. I don't want


shoes that make flies buzz all

around me! Why did you do it, Mum? Why did you buy me shoes made of



And Laura rushed out of the door. Mum shook her head, puzzled.

'Shoes made of jellyfish?' she said. 'What's she talking about? Do you

know, Scott?'

'Don't ask me,' said Scott. But he looked a bit guilty.


Laura rushed down to the beach without her jellyfish shoes. Scott

came running after her. He had the shoes in his hand.

'Mum says you've got to put them on.'

'No! I'm never wearing those horrible shoes again! Not ever!'

'Look,' began Scott. 'There's something I've got to tell you. What I

said yesterday, about the Jelly Shoe Factory-'

But he didn't get time to finish.

'What's that?' said Laura. 'What's that in the sea?'

The sea was full of tiny


frilly parachutes. They were pink and brown

and purple.

'They're beautiful!' cried Laura. ’What are they?’

'They're baby jellyfish,' said Scott


'Hundreds of them.'

'Jellyfish!' Laura jumped back.

'And if we don't save them,' said Scott,


the sea will wash them up.

They'll get splatted on the sand. They'll all die.'

'I hate jellyfish


' said Laura


'They pong. They sting you


They get

made into jellyfish shoes.'

'Well, I'm going to save them,' said Scott. And he raced back to the


Laura couldn't help watching the jellyfish. They sparkled like jewels.

But they were getting closer and closer to the beach. Soon they would

be dried-up puddles on the sand.

And she couldn't help thinking, 'Poor babies.'

Just then, Scott came racing back with two buckets. And suddenly

Laura changed her mind.

'I'll help you to save them,' said Laura. She grabbed a bucket.

'We'll tip them into that rock pool,’ said Scott. 'But


got to


'Don't touch them,' he warned


'Even the babies sting:



up the babies in buckets.


they ran to the rock

pool and tipped them in.

'Hurry!' cried Scott.

'The sea's

going out!'


Laura dashed to the rock pool. Slosh! The babies poured out like


She ran back again and again. Until her legs wouldn't work any



'I - can't - run - another – step!' she gasped, sitting down on the


'It's all right,’ said Scott


'Look! The tide's coming in!'

Laura lifted her head. It was true!

'Hurray!' she yelled. 'We've saved them. We saved




Scott and Laura went to look in the rock pool.

'It's like jellyfish soup in there!' said Laura


'But they're safe,' said Scott. 'And when the tide comes in, it'll take

them out to the deep, deep sea - where they belong.'

'I like

jellyfish now: said Laura. 'They're beautiful, aren't



really glad we saved them. And now the jelly workers won't



They won't be taken to the Jelly Shoe Factory and made into jellyfish


Scott looked very guilty.

'I was going to tell you about that,’ he said. 'There isn't any Jelly

Shoe Factory. There aren't any jelly workers. They don't make jelly

shoes out of washed-up jellyfish.'

'How do you know?' said Laura.

'Because it's just a story. I made it all up!'

'No you didn't!' said Laura.

'I did, 1 did


honest!' said Scott.

But Laura didn't believe him


'Where are my jellyfish shoes anyway?' she asked Scott.

Scott looked around. 'I don't know. I put them down when I went to

get the buckets. They

can't have

walked off by themselves ..




looked around too. The beach




Then she saw a

line of stars, in the sand. They led right down to



'There they are!' Scott pointed


Laura saw her jellyfish shoes. They were bobbing about on the

waves. They were heading out

to sea


Scott waded into the water. 'I'm going to get them back!' he said.

Laura thought for a minute


Then she said, 'No. Let them go.’

She waved at them. 'Bye bye, jellyfish shoes,


she said, a little


'What are you going to tell Mum?' asked Scott. 'She'll be very angry!'

But Laura wasn't listening. She was smiling a secret smile. She was

thinking about her jellyfish shoes having a lovely time ... Swimming with

whales and dolphins and octopuses ... back in the deep, deep sea

where they belonged.


