
阅读能力 2024-08-02 09:10:48 321

最近我阅读了一本书英语?如果为了表达我正在阅读一本书:I'm reading a book;如果指我现在的身份是在学校读书的学生: I'm a middle school student. 或 I'm a college student right now. 表达更清楚准确。 I'm in school right now 或许会使人误解为我正身在学校做事,办事。那么,最近我阅读了一本书英语?一起来了解一下吧。


I am reading a book.或 I am at school/college.

在读书或在上学at school(中学)at college(大学)


After reading "lubin sun Crusoe this wonderful novel, a gao da4's image always emerge in front of my eyes, he is a brave explorers, navigator lubin sun. He with aggressive perseverance, never give up, realized his dream of sailing. I seem to see the ship deck stand such a person: he gave up the rich and comfortable life, disgust that scrurinsed life and began a near-death duel survival big challenge. Various adversities and difficult and not overwhelm lubin sun, on the contrary make him more strong. God gives lubin sun difficulties, for he is more challenging! Storm tsunami, the whole ship except lubin sun none escape by luck, true survival challenge is just beginning! To survive, he in order to find the lonely island on shore proper shelter, run a whole day, in a under rocks find a shelter. Lubin sun in hill, and pitched a tent as far as possible some bigger, inside hit again a few stake to hang hammock. The next day, he put all the boxes and board, do the materials, pile lengji into a temporary fence, be fortifications. But just 10 days, sudden collapse. Lubin sun fall not only shipped out, fertilizsr still pack the ceiling, with columns support up below, lest appear again landslide in the disaster. Never give up, lubin sun laid the basis of life. Once, lubin sun accidentally fell in the corner of the chaff, unexpectedly long a green stalks, soon, grow dozens of spike head, this is the grace of god. Since then, lubin sun a rainy season is now half the seed to test, to get more food. The worst test, barley and rice crops were merely half measures just. But, after the test, make lubin sun became farming ace. Know when, now he knew all the year round of sowing sowing twice, harvest twice. Never give up, lubin sun had life food rations. Shipbuilding homecoming, lubin sun and spent years, countless painstaking care. Light cut down a tree is for months. But because no prior consider too far from the sea, ship, how he cannot let ship launched. And with that, years of painstaking care white, all hope was extinct. Until "Friday" (a person), the emergence of the hope rises again only queen! Lubin sun is great, manly man, quite alone in this deserted island 27 years of life. He dares to fight with the bad environment, diligence, the island of labor management in good order. He in adversity, tempered their achievement some extraordinary career. The book teaches us only insist to victory, only work to be able to let us off the hook, more important than faith action... My life will also with the book and set sail, in life's sailing, to advance bravely, never give up!





read a book读一本书;阅读一本书;读书

read a book

音标:英 [riːd ə bʊk]美 [rid eɪ bʊk]





Reading a good book



My flight was delayed, so I killed time/killed two hours reading a book.


She seldom or never reads a book.


Are you reading a book?


It is too dark in this room for me to read a book.


He lay on a sofa, reading a book.


She never reads a book but she goes to sleep.





以上就是最近我阅读了一本书英语的全部内容,看书的英语:Read a book 读音:[ri:d;red] [æ] [bʊk]短语:1、read in a book 在一本书中看到 2、Read a new book 阅读一本新书 3、Read A Good Book 读一本好书 例句:1、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
