
研究能力 2024-07-09 19:39:48 361


上海财经大学(S Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)是中华人民共和国教育部直属的一所以经管为主,法、文、理协调发展的多科性全国重点大学,是国家 "211工程"、"985工程优势学科创新平台" 重点建设高校,入选 "国家海外高层次人才创新创业基地"、"教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地"、"卓越法律人才教育培养计划"、"国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目",是全国首批博士学位授予单位之一,由教育部、财政部和上海市人民政府三方共建。










上海财经大学不仅在教学方面有着优秀的成绩, also has a long history of over ninety years, it is a key university directly under the Ministry of Education of China, which focuses on economics and management, but also coordinates the development of law, literature, science, etc. It is also one of the important bases for cultivating high-level managers in our country. The school has many graduate programs, some of which have part-time graduate programs. In addition to the full-time graduate programs, the school also offers part-time graduate programs, which mainly recruit students through non-full-time and equal learning methods. Non-full-time graduate programs have various majors such as MBA, MPA, engineering management master's degree (MEM), MPAcc, EMBA, and international business (MIB), with tuition fees ranging from 6 to 42.8 million yuan, among which MBA and EMBA tuition fees are relatively expensive, with a term of 2 to 3 years, and teaching modes including weekend classes, concentrated classes, and full-time classes. If you missed the opportunity to participate in the college entrance examination or feel that the economic pressure of full-time postgraduate study is too large, you can also choose to apply for a part-time postgraduate program. Although the workload of a part-time postgraduate program is heavy, if you have a clear goal and coordinate your time well, you will find it very fulfilling. The students who apply for a part-time postgraduate program are mostly corporate employees. These people usually have busy work during the day and heavy responsibilities, so quitting their current jobs to continue their studies seems unsuitable. However, applying for such a graduate course allows them to study while working, which does not conflict with their normal working hours. Applicants can ensure a stable source of income and learn rich professional knowledge at the same time. Since the equal learning method belongs to the mode of degree education, after graduation, students can only obtain a master's degree certificate. The recruiting school does not issue a diploma (that is, a certificate of academic status). If you want to obtain a double certificate (a graduate diploma certificate and a master's degree certificate), you can apply for a non-full-time graduate program. The admission difficulty for a non-full-time graduate program is relatively large, and students can apply based on their own needs。

